Obama puts special interests on notice: I'm ready for a fight
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Feb 28, '09
[Editor: Off topic comment about Mayor Adams' State of the City address.]
Feb 28, '09
[Editor: Off topic comment about Mayor Adams' State of the City address.]
Feb 28, '09
I see WonderBlunder changed his name. While IP blocks are easily defeated, I'll bet WonderBlubber is too lazy to bother.
Post yer own. Can you put forward anything as a thesis, or just parrot what talk radio said? Until then, yeah, we hate whatever you think is great. Please provide a complete list. Off topic + didn't even watch the video + no written post, q.e.d., comment spam; do your job.
BHO sounds great; let's see action. If he's for real, why does he have to say "families" every sentence? It communicates loud and clear that the few responsible ones that have deferred hobby breeding for the sake of a million good reasons, are second class citizens, don't vote, don't have a stake in the future, and/or should be actively penalized.
Feb 28, '09
Progressives "love pedophilia and families are "hobby breeding"? What is it about this site that attracts or permits this kind of poison and malice?
Feb 28, '09
Obama also promised work would be rewarded more than sitting on your ass collecting a trust fund. Obama lied. He's only moving the capital gains tax up 5% to 20%.
People who sit on their ass never working a day in their lives and collect their income from inherited trusts will still pay a lower tax rate than people who work for a living.
That means money will continue to flow from the lower and middle classes to the richest 1%.
Feb 28, '09
Agree much of this sounds good - even if there are some things that go against my grain. I'll note there are many 'special interests groups and lobbyists' in Washington beyond just the favorite usual demonized targets called out here. I hope he'll be just as fair-minded in limiting the influence of those who pour $ into the Democratic campaign coffers...
I'll be especially curious to see where these $2T in savings he's supposedly found come from - and over what period of time.
Feb 28, '09
[Editor: Off topic comment about Mayor Adams' State of the City address.]
Feb 28, '09
The elephant in the room: a quote from Andrew Sullivan's blog today " Liberalism believes in punishing hard-working successful people in this manner (he is re: taxes)my edit- and the more you succeed, the more they will punish you. But if I had to pick between him and the party of Sarah Palin and Joe The Plumber, it's really no contest.
When, or if, the Republicans become conservative again, the Dems will have a much harder time than they do now getting votes.
Feb 28, '09
As always nice words delivered well, but check his statements about taking on special interests against campaign donations from special interests.
If you believe everything a politician tells you then let me tell you about a piece of ocean-front property on Mt. Hood that gets tropical breezes year-round. Check with your real estate agent.
Feb 28, '09
And, what the hell is Obama talking about "clean" coal?
Feb 28, '09
President Obama sounds like a poverty pimp promoting class envy rather than a statesman.
If he was interested in creating more energy, that money could have bought 3.5 million windmills and employed 3.5 million workers to build them. Win-Win.
Mar 1, '09
mp97303 "Liberalism believes in punishing hard-working successful people in this manner...the more you succeed, the more they will punish you."
Let's do some myth management, shall we? The vast majority of successful people that actually work hard ARE progressives. The Republican Party is built on the idea of building an elite investor class that doesn't work while servant classes do the labor.
As the economic collapse has made clear, most of the conservatives that previously described as successful, hard working bankers and traders were exposed as do nothing leeches on the economic system.
The conservative investor class... they don't work. They sit on their ass and collect interest from their trusts and dividends.
Mar 1, '09
Frank, How does the rich making more money mean less for the lower or middle class?
Or for that matter how does keeping the rich from getting richer mean more money for the poor?
How does money go from the lower and middle classes to the richest 1%?
Mar 1, '09
Posted by: mp97303 | Feb 28, 2009 12:40:39 PM
The elephant in the room: a quote from Andrew Sullivan's blog today " Liberalism believes in punishing hard-working successful people in this manner And while people like to dissect Ayn Rand, that is the difference between liberalism and libertarianism.
Mar 1, '09
How does money go from the lower and middle classes to the richest 1%?
By bypassing the people in the lower income brackets. Thousands of people go into, for instance, Wal-Mart in an hour and give the cashiers millions of dollars. The cashiers gets about 8 or 10 bucks each, the rest goes to Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart has to cover expenses from the money the cashiers collect. After that the Walton family managed to become billionaires and many of their shareholders became multi-millionaires. The cashiers and other help continue to struggle from pay check to pay check.
Mar 2, '09
The rich make more money than they can spend on their needs. The money they don't spend, they hoard. That hoarded wealth never goes back into the economic system to circulate. All that hoarded wealth is lost jobs, lost infrastructure investment, capital that vanishes from the economy.
That's the big joke about so-called "trickle-down" economics. The capital the investor class could "trickle down" as investment capital into the economy if the rich spend the money they earn, but it IS NOT spent. They never have. For example, all those millions of shares of Microsoft stock Bill Gates has held for the last 20-30 years? All hoarded wealth that creates no jobs.
The lower and middle class have to spend all the money they earn right when they earn that wealth for their immediate needs. The money the lower classes earn goes right back into the economic system the moment they earn it.
Mar 2, '09
The topic: Obama puts special interests on notice: I'm ready for a fight
Unfortunately, it looks more like he is digging himself (and us) into deeper holes in the budge and Afghanistan and Pakistan.
It appears more likely, Obama and certain special interests may stuff us down the tube.
Mar 2, '09
Obama and certain special interests
Mar 3, '09
Special interests to Obama, "You'll have to get out of debt first. Good luck".
I hear lots of mortgage holders are ready to take on the banks. Getting it?
Mar 3, '09
Comrad Frank,
so good that you haven't given up the struggle against the evils of capitalism.
Yes, let design a special tax to plunder the riches of those that took the risk to create the successful business.
Let's take the money and give it to those without much vision that are still spending their paychecks on cigs, cheap beer, boats they can't afford basically living above their means, and making decision below their means.