Kari Chisholm

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BlueOregon is the brainchild of Kari Chisholm, who says he helped launch it because, "well, it seemed like something I wanted to read." Once a political campaign hack, Chisholm now runs Mandate Media, a consulting firm that does "internet strategy for people changing the world." His personal blog covers Politics & Technology. In 1999-2001, Chisholm was the volunteer board chair of X-PAC, a nonpartisan group that sought to build a new generation of political leaders and community activists in Oregon.

December 19, 2005Right-wingers! Listen up!
December 13, 2005Unbelievable.
December 08, 2005Google, meet Tri-Met. Tri-Met, meet Google.
November 29, 2005Breaking: Feldkamp Gives Up Cunningham Dirty Money
November 28, 2005Jim Feldkamp: On the Shoulders of Giants
November 28, 2005Mark Hass is out.
November 18, 2005"Wyden is the anti-Rove"
November 17, 2005Wayne's World 2: Retribution Runs Rampant
November 09, 2005Ginny Burdick & the Pod People from Planet Enron
November 07, 2005Doubletalk from Gordon Smith, again.
November 07, 2005Five Hundred Twenty Five Thousand Six Hundred Minutes
November 04, 2005Gordon Smith caves to Big Oil
October 28, 2005Gordon Smith breaks his promise, but doubletalks to Oregonians
October 24, 2005No-go: Medical Malpractice 2006
October 19, 2005RIP, PDX Media Insider
October 17, 2005The energy summit in Bozeman
October 13, 2005Running Government "Like a Business"
October 06, 2005I'm offended by Southwest Airlines
September 25, 2005RIP, Communique
September 22, 2005The Incredible Shrinking Man
September 21, 2005God is unhappy with George Bush
September 18, 2005Baffling Bush Incompetence
September 17, 2005Larry Sowa vs. Lynn Peterson
September 09, 2005Larry Sowa Should Resign
September 07, 2005The unbelievable stupidity of Senator Doug Whitsett
September 07, 2005Political Roundup
September 06, 2005Katrina Relief: what you can do
September 01, 2005Liberal Blogosphere for Hurricane Relief
August 30, 2005Jet Skis in Crater Lake?
August 27, 2005Energy independence, right now.
August 25, 2005Is football dangerous?
August 09, 2005It's the beginning of the end for Karen Minnis
July 28, 2005Reinhard gives Wayne Scott some love
July 25, 2005Welcome to Wayne's World
July 20, 2005Just Do It: Call Nike and say "Thanks!"
July 19, 2005The Good, the Bad, & the Awful
July 08, 2005It's time for an up-or-down vote, not paid vacations
July 07, 2005Will Gordon Smith Be a Leader?
July 07, 2005How about a cap on malpractice insurance premiums?
June 29, 2005Where will John Walton's money go now?
June 28, 2005CEO Pay at Legacy Emanuel
June 22, 2005Bring on the Clouds! (Wi-Fi, that is.)
June 21, 2005Who's your daddy, Dave?
June 16, 2005Who's the sucker who wants this job?
June 09, 2005Washington, check. Oregon, check. California...
June 07, 2005Free DVDs for Everyone!
June 06, 2005Dick Cheney visits Portland
June 04, 2005So, what is this Bus they keep talking about?
May 26, 2005Earth to Wal-Mart
May 18, 2005Lies, Damn Lies, and Writing Poll Questions

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