Chris Lowe

Raised by a book designer father and psychologist mother active in civil rights community organizing near Boston, Massachusetts, I first came to Oregon in 1977 to study at Reed’s Fine College ™, where I was recruited based on my surname to hit the drums for the college’s first punk rock band, Lotek (William Gibson cribbed our name). I have a Ph.D. from Yale in History – African, U.S., & comparative slavery – and lived and researched in Swaziland and South Africa. Work: college teacher, editor, OPB project research director. Activism has included abortion clinic defense, anti-apartheid, campus labor support, the Labor Party and Africa policy advocacy. Today I am active in the PDX Peace Coalition and the MoveOn PDX Council & belong to Physicians for Social Responsibility and the Coalition for a Livable Future, while completing an MPH program at OHSU, and trying to be a half-decent divorced dad. I resist anti-intellectualism, and still want to learn to make my own music.

September 16, 2008Support SEIU Local 49 workers at Legacy Emanuel Hospital
September 04, 2008Sarah Palin as "experience" tar baby for John McCain: Don't fall for it
August 28, 2008Fight lame duck regression & an Obama-Merkley visibility op
August 09, 2008<i>The Oregonian</i> and Smith's "furniture" attack ad
August 03, 2008EFCA and Secret Ballot Elections for Union Recognition
August 02, 2008Piling On: EFAC in Berman Anti-Union Context & Oregon
July 28, 2008An Attack on a Liberal Religious Congregation
July 03, 2008What is Patriotism under a State Sponsor of Terror?
June 25, 2008Call on Senator Obama to Filibuster FISA Bill
June 21, 2008Bake Sales for Obama!
June 19, 2008Eugene Mayor Kitty Piercy Co-sponsors Mayors' Resolution Against Attacking Iran
December 27, 2007Another take on mandated universal health insurance

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