Debate Over Debates Heats Up, Again

Capitol Currents:

Chris Dudley's campaign is ratcheting up the rhetoric in the ongoing "debate over debates."  Dudley, you may recall, announced recently that he would take part in four debates. John Kitzhaber had earlier announced that he would appear in seven debates. While the two schedules included similar venues, the only specific time and date that matched up was a September 25 joint appearance at the League of Oregon Cities conference in Eugene. Now, the Dudley campaign says it is running radio ads statewide "announcing" the debates that Dudley has agreed to. The ads conveniently leave out the fact that Kitzhaber hasn't specifically agreed to these debates and had in fact earlier rolled out his own debate schedule. Of course, these ads aren't really about announcing debates. In fact, if you listen closely to the Portland version of the ad which I've linked to below, you'll notice that Dudley doesn't even say where or how anyone can view or attend the debate. And in a big radio no-no, Dudley fails to remind listeners at the end of the 60-second commercial the supposed key point of the ad--namely, the October 7th debate.

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