Money Keeps Flowing into the Race to Replace Jeff Cogen

Portland Mercury:

It's no secret Jim Francesconi can raise a lot of cash. The former city commissioner partly credits the gobs of money he accepted from downtown businesses for his loss in a 2004 mayoral bid. He wasn't beholden to those interest, he says, but it looked bad. And while Francesconi says he won't make the same mistake in his current push to become Multnomah County Chair, he's once again showing off an impressive ability to amass capital. Since we first reported Francesconi's first contributions back on Monday, the campaign has revealed a torrent of donations. In just four days, Francesconi's revealed more than $40,000 in donations—more than his chief rival for the position, Deborah Kafoury. The largest donation: A $5,000 check from Pacific Northwest Regional Council of Carpenters, which has formally endorsed Francesconi (and which, as Willamette Week's pointed out, is a client of Francesconi, who's an attorney). Meanwhile, Kafoury's no slouch. She's reported nearly $10,000 in new contributions since Monday, including her own $5,000 donation from the construction outfit that's replacing the Sellwood Bridge. [ Subscribe to the comments on this story ]

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