Dennis Richardson Dodges Social Issues But His Votes, Fundraising Reveal His Views

Willamette Week:

Richardson has leaned on the support of a group that seek to overturn settled law permitting abortions.

Since October 2013, Oregon Right to Life, the state's leading anti-abortion group, has given Richardson $80,000 from its political action committee. That makes Right to Life Richardson's second largest contributor after the Jones timber family of Eugene, which has given him $400,000. (He's raised just under $2 million since entering the campaign and has $303,000 on hand. Kitzhaber has raised $3.6 million and has $534,000 on hand).

Right to Life's eye-opening candidate questionnaire contains leading questions about whether a fetus should be considered person, whether clinics that perform abortions should be more heavily regulated; and whether Medicaid funds should be (as they are now) used to pay for abortions or physician-assisted suicide.

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