Portland's Last Three Former Mayors Apparently Support Ted Wheeler

Portland Mercury:

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State Treasurer Ted Wheeler added a hefty troika of support for his mayoral bid this morning: The three people to hold the job before his opponent.

As Wheeler prepares a campaign kickoff event tonight (btw, you're encouraged to bring "gently used" women's underwear, as part of a effort spearheaded by Wheeler's wife?), his campaign sent out a press release touting the endorsements of former mayors Sam Adams, Tom Potter, and Vera Katz.

The release points out that just one of those, Katz, accomplished what Mayor Charlie Hales is trying to pull off next May: getting re-elected. (Neither Potter nor Adams ran for a second term.)

Still, it's an interesting unanimity among the city's most-recent former executives. We've not been able to reach Adams, Katz, or Potter this morning. Here's are the canned quotes they apparently gave Wheeler's people—all of them lending to the treasurer's chosen narrative that Portland's missing out on its chance to be great.

Adams (mayor 2009-2013): “Portland needs to reach its fuller potential to tackle issues like racial and economic inequality, public safety and climate change. Ted Wheeler has the experience and progressive values to make this happen.”

Potter (mayor, 2005-2009): “Portland continues to grow into a diverse, vibrant community. It is critical that city government adapt to better include communities of color and other voices that have historically been pushed to the margins. I am confident that Ted Wheeler has the commitment and passion to take on these important conversations and forge new relationships that ensure the will of the people is heard at City Hall.”

Katz (mayor 1993-2005): "Ted Wheeler is the right choice for job. He can bring together the community to take on the challenges we face and make progress on the issues that matter. Portland needs new leadership, Portland needs Ted Wheeler.”

For a little comparison, here's what Katz told the Oregonian about her support for Hales back in 2012: "He's knowledgeable, he's honest, he loves this city. He knows what's going on, and he'll be able to ask the right questions."

Hales campaign says it will have comment in a bit. We'll update when it does.

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