Pants on Fire! | Will Multnomah County’s food plan make it harder for people to eat and pay for their food of choice?

PolitiFact Oregon:

The Truth-o-Meter says: Pants on Fire! | Will Multnomah County’s food plan make it harder for people to eat and pay for their food of choice?

A tweet came to our attention recently, courtesy of the lively left-leaning and right-leaning twitterati who use the #orpol hashtag. ORLibertyGal tweeted: "Multnomah County plans to interfere with your food delivery. Oh goodie" Minutes later, BlueOregon contributor T.A. Barnhart responded: "onus on fearmongers to provide FACTS. | RT @ORlibertygal: MultCo plans to interfere w/food delivery. #orpol #orleg" Facts? We love facts. Multnomah County wants to mess with food delivery? We better look into this. (Thanks Barnhart!) It turns out that the tweet stemmed from an online post ...

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