Breaking News from the Zephyr

Jeff Alworth

zephyr.videopokerWho says the blogosphere doesn't produce real news? Our good friends over at the Zephyr posted a story this morning that disproves this myth. The news: a lawsuit will be filed today that may end or reduce the tavern subsidy--err, I mean, the commissions taverns receive for video poker. The key graf:

Until now, the Lottery has flouted the law with impunity. But no longer. Today, the Oregon School Employees Association (represented by its President, Merlene Martin), parks advocate Varner Seaman, and Oregon parents Maureen Crawford and Nik Blosser, represented by the brilliant lawyer Margaret Olney, will file a petition in the Court of Appeals. The petitioners will ask the Court to declare the commission rates illegal – which would force the Lottery to revisit its decision.

Currently, the average tavern receives $67,000 a year for offering up a few square feet of floor space for the machines, a total that works out to (if my math's correct) $150 million annually. That's a lot of teachers and cops.

Go have a look.

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