The beat goes on

Jack Bogdanski

In these uncertain times, it's nice to know that some things never change.

  • Jr. S (unverified)

    Let's hope the Blazers begin their next recruiting efforts with a mental exam. I just can’t believe how incredibly stupid this one feels like it’s going to be. All you need to consider is his potential thoughts to get where he is now to know that he needs his head examined… “I am an NBA Basketball Player for a team that has problems with others that break the law – and a community that doesn’t want to tolerate it. I will get a dog, bring it to my beautiful house, invite my friends over, and have dogfights. I will be cool.” Perhaps the problem is that he did not have these thoughts.

    Buy a PlayStation and have dogfights on the tv for heavens sake!

  • Tenskwatawa (unverified)

    It is self-integrity to know the things that never change.

    And a living matter to change the things you must.

    And worthwhile to tell the difference.

  • Kismet (unverified)

    Suspend them all and let God sort em out I say. Bah ~K!

  • Javier O Sanchez (unverified)

    I still think the bigger travesty is Allen delclaring bankruptcy and the organization laying off peeps all over Rose Gotham; the white collar crimes continue to romp unimpeded without media criticism or fan accountability; we love to pick on the players and lay them to blame for each and everything--don't get me wrong--I'm not down with dog-fighting or the like--I just wish we took Allen and the Adminsistative aspect of the organization to task--

    How about some local ordinances to purchase the Blazers ala Green Bay, convert all capital back to the city, and build a wall around Lake Oswego and make all the rich folk go through some diversity training and environmental justice education as well as a Shirley Jackson-style Lottery where they have to swap living places with someone in multi-family housing in N/NE Portland for one year--

    Down with the Man--

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