The sound of silence

Jack Bogdanski

The folks in the Bush administration are keeping busy these days.

First it was the prospect of their regulating the content of political blogs.  Now the FCC is talking about prohibiting "indecency" on cable TV.

You would expect all those "libertarians" out there in Larsland to start screaming bloody murder any minute now, wouldn't you?

Funny, I'm not hearing anything.

  • ericarlson (unverified)

    You do not hear anything because everyone is focusing on Terry Schiavo, and Michael Jackson like zombies. Just wait for a couple of weeks for someone to snap out of it. -eric: Revolutionary

  • afs (unverified)

    Tom DeLay can pass any regulation of "indecency" of a paid service he likes. It will not withstand it's first court hearing. Cable TV is paid service. Congress can only regulate obscenity off pay TV.

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