With Liberty and Justice for All

By Bill Bodden of Redmond, Oregon who reminds us that "we have a very good core of progressives over here in Central Oregon. Not enough to outnumber the 'conservatives' but we are getting there."

In an example of Orwellian group-think a majority in the Oregon House of Representatives recently voted to give children in Oregon schools the "opportunity" to recite the Pledge of Allegiance daily instead of weekly. This is the pledge that for many, perhaps most, legislators throughout the nation is a recurring act of hypocrisy.

What kind of examples are their representatives in Salem setting for Oregon's children? How sincere is their Pledge of Allegiance?

"I pledge allegiance to ... the republic..."

Clearly for most representatives their primary loyalties are to party leadership and ideology, corporate sponsors and other tribal groups, and plain short-term self-interest. The republic is constantly betrayed and resembles the neglected runt in the litter.

"... one nation,..., indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

A majority in the House have shown complete indifference toward these ideals with their efforts to eliminate a voter-mandated annual increase to the minimum wage. These so-called representatives are, in effect, corporate agents segregating workers on minimum wages into a sub-caste so that their campaign donors may enjoy greater profits. By breaking their pledge, legislators would relegate these workers to enduring poverty where they will suffer injustice and enjoy little liberty.

Will members of the House endorse yet another example of hypocrisy when they decide for or against civil unions? Will they effectively say that people seeking same-gender civil unions are also outcasts to be denied the same rights and privileges enjoyed by heterosexuals? Will a majority in the House deny them justice and restrict their liberty?

Representative Dennis Richardson's Reciprocal Benefits Bill evokes the discredited separate-but-equal deception offered by segregationists in the South. This bill would reinforce separateness and make a mockery of "one nation, ... , indivisible." And where in that bill would gays and lesbians find true liberty and justice?

Now let's take a moment to recite the Pledge of Allegiance. Stand up and place your right hand over your heart but instead of facing the flag face yourself in the mirror. "I pledge allegiance ..." To what? To whom?

  • Trey (unverified)

    Right on!!!

  • Read the Times! (unverified)

    I was surprised to see the New York Times book review comment on the topic.

  • JTT (unverified)
    <h2>Rep. Richardson's sad excuse for a bill does not ever come close to nearing the status of "equal"...separate perhaps, but it makes a mockery of the dignity, liberty, and humanity of a group of our fellow citizens because of their sexual orientation. Richardson's bill is a non-starter. Rights can not be bargained. Human dignity and equality can not suffer a counter proposal. Legislators not only say the pledge daily, but they also swear to uphold the US and state consitutions...which, last time I checked, applied to ALL citizens...but then again it says that in the pledge as well. Selective memory anyone?</h2>
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