Vote Today!

blueoregon admin

The Koufax Awards has announced its finalists and BlueOregon made the short list for Best State or Local blog -- thanks to all of you!

What's the Koufax? As Jeff Alworth described two weeks ago:

Among long-time political bloggers, there's only one award that matters, and that's the Koufax. Unlike Florida and Ohio, voting is not rigged. Like the Oscars, everyone's happy to be nominated, but we'd all like to win.

So, head on over and vote. Vote today.

How? Just post a comment here. (But don't vote twice, please. They'll catch ya, and we'll get spanked.)

  • Gil Johnson (unverified)
    <h2>I don't get it. Shouldn't something called the Koufax Award go to the best Jewish baseball player or lowest E.R.A. during a 10-year career?</h2>

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