Candidates Gone Wild

CgwIn just two weeks, the 2006 edition of Candidates Gone Wild will go down. Sponsored by Willamette Week and the Bus Project, this year the debate (loosely defined) will feature Ted Wheeler and Diane Linn, Dan Saltzman and Amanda Fritz, and Ginny Burdick and Erik Sten. The event is on May 1, and it's recommended that you purchase $3 tickets in advance.

Debates! Videos! A talent show! Beer! Candidates Gone Wild, the most exciting political event in the history of Western Civilization, is back, and it promises once again to take your dull preconceptions of what a "debate" can be, smash them to tiny pieces and reassemble them into a night of improbably entertaining civics.

This year, CGW features an anonymous blog at from someone calling him/herself "CityHallVet".

Here's your open discussion: What questions would you want posed to the candidates? (And please, keep it in the spirit of the event -- wild n' wacky, not serious and wonky. Also, they need to work for all six candidates...)

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    5 reasons to get CGW tickets:

    (1) Fun. Or at least a reasonable facsimile. (2) It's a great gateway drug to civic engagement generally -- and a chance to invite some friends who aren't just "blue." .
    (3) You can bring a younger friend to get them a bit more politically engaged and aware...and a bit entertained.
    (4) A very inexpensive way to connect with folks -- most political events cost real money. This is just 3 bones.
    (5) It'll sell out (not in the trading-its-values-to-the-highest-bidder sense but in the tickets-willeun-out sense) get tickets now.

    My post is kinda lame. Hopefully someone else'll come up with something better.

  • Courtney (unverified)


    What's your contingency plan in the event of a Zombie outbreak?

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    Question for attendees:

    Will you bring large cardboard cutouts of testicles, and when a candidate pisses you off, will you life them into the air, shake them vigorously, and roar loudly?

    You know, will you work your very own pair of FURIOUS nads!?

  • David (unverified)

    Or volunteer and get in for free! That's what I'm doing and when an event's this good you might as well volunteer and feel good about making it even more awesome.

  • Levon (unverified)

    Might the $425 price tag for tram tickets reduce ridership?

    Please give us your most Foxworthy email love message to the audience.

    Does Tom Cruise know that Sam Adams is gay?

    How many times have you signed Emilie Boyle's petitions?

    Will it say Ginny Burdick Inc. in the Voter's Pamphlet?

    Does Erik Sten believe Oregon's editorial board deserved the Pulitzer? Please explain.

    Do you support Senator Deckert's plan to turn the Blazers into a baseball team so that we finally get Major League Baseball in Portland?

    Should Loren Parks & Kevin Mannix be permitted to adopt children?

  • Jesus H. Christ (unverified)

    Emilie Boyles follows me? Please. I wasn't reborn yesterday.

  • CGW Fan (unverified)

    Levon -- Brilliant suggestions for questions!

  • PDX Friend (unverified)

    If you'd like to volunteer for Candidates Gone Wild, the online sign up form is here:

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    Does the Bus Project plan to get out and canvass for any of the races that Uncle Ted Feriolli has targeted for the Right Wing's retaking of the state Senate?

    A little birdie told me that Uncle Ted has targeted a few races Like Senator Metsger's, and that he will run carefully chosen candidates who can play moderates on TV. The birdie also sez that these few targeted efforts will be awash in crony capitalist cash, and that Uncle Ted definitely does not care if his hand-picked stooges have any skills or ideas useful to the citizens of Oregon.

    Love to see your activists out there in Sunnyside and Clackamas helping to keep the Senate in progressive hands........


    Nevermind, guess I have no questions for a bunch of PDX pols, so I thought I'd ask one of the project itself.


    We now return to the standard Portland-centric programming.....

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    We now return to the standard Portland-centric programming.....

    Well, Pat, you have a BlueOregon password. Fire away.

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    Darn it Pat...calling him "Uncle Ted" was my joke. Why did you steal my joke???

  • Steve (unverified)

    Besides Amanda Fritz - What can we do to get some new blood into city politics? Why wasn't Dave Lister invited, at least for a diversity of opinion?

  • CGW Fan (unverified)

    Steve- Dave Lister is definitely invited and he will be attending CGW. His name isn't on the website yet, but it will be very soon.

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    Question for CGW organizers: Why rescind Emilie Oy's invite, when you could have made hay if she didn't show, and could have made hay if she did?

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    Question for CGW organizers: Why rescind Emilie Oy's invite, when you could have made hay if she didn't show, and could have made hay if she did?

    Indeed. Do I get a partial refund of my six bucks for two tickets?

    We can't seem to decide if she's a criminal, or a candidate, and all the while she's spending the citizen's dough on...a full-page ad in the Northwest Meridian?

    I still think the city should've frozen her accounts, and stopped her from squandering/dispersing anymore of her ill-gotten, and never-to-be-replaced loot. But we haven't --oh, we're a'busy investigatin'-- and as long as we haven't, why NOT have her at the Candidates Debate?

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    CityHallVet writes A good Bronx cheer to Jack Bogdanski (at Jack Bog) who on one hand wants to throw the bums out of City Hall - he supports both Dave Lister (against Sten) and Amanda Fritz (against Saltzman) - but sophmoricly defends the status quo when it comes to camapign finance.

    Sure...but at least Jack can spell!

    <h2>City Hall Vet? Did you fix cats and dogs..or put the fix in for PDC-financed projects?</h2>

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