Help Carol Voisin pick up $5000 and beat Greg Walden

VoisinSenator Russ Feingold's Progressive Patriots Fund wants to give away $5000. They've picked out a handful of, well, progressive patriots running for Congress around the country -- and they're asking for help deciding which one gets $5000.

The list includes Oregon's own Carol Voisin -- running against Congressman Greg Walden. So, head on over to Russ's site and vote for Carol.

Feel free to use this space as an open discussion of the Voisin v. Walden campaign.

  • KISS (unverified)

    Thanks for the link. I wish someone would work for name familiarity and beat Walden. This guy is a dinosaur with thinking going back to the Dark Ages. Another shill for big business. Of course if you work in the logging industry you'll be brow-beat to vote to save your job.

  • Gordie (unverified)

    Actually, the district with the most logging by long ways here in Oregon is DeFazio's. Lane and Douglas Counties alone logged more than did all of Walden's district last year (and Coos County was third highest).

    Voisin needs all the help she can get. She's nearly invisible and has little money to spend, her sound bytes are not effective, etc....unfortunately, it's her first campaign and it shows (to this District 2 resident).

  • Ed Bickford (unverified)

    Carol needs lots more help; she's only got 4% so far.

    You can also sign a petion supporting Russ' "Health Care for All" bill. As Russ says, "From families struggling to pay for needed prescription drugs, to small business owners trying to find a way to cover their employees, there is no question that we are in a crisis and need decisive action."

  • 16yearoldwithanopinion (unverified)

    I am sure that getting Carol would be great but I urge everyone not to spend time or money on her race. With little money and name regonication at this point in the race she really has no chance of winning. THe district 2 people need to recuit a candidate for 2008 now and start raising money for him, Walden has to much money to beat with Carol. Also lets really working on getting democrats elected to the state house and senate from that district, lets start small and build up. I heard that some guy over there is getting ready to run in 2008 and is rasing money. Any truth to that?

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    THe district 2 people need to recuit a candidate for 2008 now and start raising money for him

    Um, perhaps the best candidate for 2008 would be Carol Voisin. Second time candidates often do quite well.

  • 16yearoldopinion (unverified)

    Good point Kari that thought hadnt crossed my mind. Maybe if we can get Carol to use this election as a warmup to 2008 she can win in 2 years.

  • Tom Civiletti (unverified)

    It's conventional wisdom among political consultants that money should not be spent on candidates who are not considered "viable." I believe this has negative repercussions.

    Hotly contested races, "targeted" ones, spend huge amounts of money, hammering away at voters with redundant messages, hoping to sway a few undecided voters and motivating base voters. A tiny bit of the money spent on a targeted campaign could transform an invisible non-targeted campaign to one that voters are aware of. Most will not win, but there are surprises in electoral politics. Even if the resources don't produce a win, they make voters aware of the candidate, which, as Kari mentioned, can pay-off later. They can also make votes aware of policy positions and party positions. How many voters in Eastern Oregon realy know what Democrats stand for? If they don't, they are unlikely to ever vote for a Democrat.

    I believe overspending in targeted races is much more wasteful than small amounts of campaign money spent in districts usually controlled by our opponents. The political climate in these districts will no change until we change it. It's not something efficiently done in one targeted election cycle. Success is more likely if selling our ideas is done over several cycles by helping underfunded candidates get out their message.

  • Marshall (unverified)

    What is Walden's name recognition? I've lived in OR-02 for six years, and I've never seen him. Carol's name, credentials, and position on the issues will be in every voter's hands in the 2006 Voters Pamphlet. Many voters are hungry for Carol's message.

    Did you know that only 44.6% of registered voters in OR-02 are registered Republican? Many of those voters are disenchanted with the Bush Administration, for which Walden is a rubber stamp. This is a good time to get actively involved in replacing a rubber stamp with a real leader, Carol Voisin.

    I've already donated $1,000 to her campaign, without thinking twice. That buys a lot of bumper stickers and yard signs. Get one of those stickers and get Voisin's name out there in your community. Talk to your friends about Carol. That's what grassroots politics is all about. And think about making a donation to her campaign. This election means a lot for our country.

  • DeLoris Bennett (unverified)

    Carol has told us everything the Bush administration has done wrong, and I agree with some of it. My problem is what she plans to do about changing it. Also, what are her views on the illegal immigration problem? How does she plan to bring out troops home from ALL OVER THE WORLD, not just Iraq and Afghanistan. We don't need to be giving our young people's blood when we are so hated. (By the way, that feeling started long before the Bush administration). I really want some answers before I can vote for her. I think we need to vote ALL the incumbents out of office, none of them are doing us any good.

  • Grant Schott (unverified)

    Carol is campaigning hard and deserves help. Walden should be attacked for his anti-vets voted and other bad votes. Still, the 2nd cd is as Republican as the 3rd is Democrat. An Ashland Democrat will probably not be the one to overcome the 20%R-D advantage.

  • djk (unverified)

    Republicans do have a clear registration edge in the 2nd District, but they're less than a majority. If they don't turn out in large numbers, a Democrat who does well among independents could win.

    It's possible that a large number of Republicans might sit this one out if the Voison campaign can get out the word about Walden's real voting record and the number of times he's voted against the interests of his own constituents. If enough Republican voters are disenchanted with Walden and not all that thrilled about Saxton come October, a fair number of them might not bother returning their ballots. (I despise negative campaigning, but it's somewhat tolerable if it relies on accurate, objective information rather than swiftboating. Walden's voting record -- his actual voting record with no distortion or exaggeration -- should be fair game in an ethical campaign.)

    Carol Voisin is a long shot, and if she wins a highly Republican district she might well be a one-termer. But she does have a shot, and a Walden victory in November, while highly probable, isn't a done deal at this point. If Voison, as a near unknown, gets more than 40% of the vote, she also becomes a credible candidate in 2008 when (potentially) her name recognition might be a lot higher than today.

  • djk (unverified)

    Republicans do have a clear registration edge in the 2nd District, but they're less than a majority. If they don't turn out in large numbers, a Democrat who does well among independents could win.

    It's possible that a large number of Republicans might sit this one out if the Voison campaign can get out the word about Walden's real voting record and the number of times he's voted against the interests of his own constituents. If enough Republican voters are disenchanted with Walden and not all that thrilled about Saxton come October, a fair number of them might not bother returning their ballots. (I despise negative campaigning, but it's somewhat tolerable if it relies on accurate, objective information rather than swiftboating. Walden's voting record -- his actual voting record with no distortion or exaggeration -- should be fair game in an ethical campaign.)

    Carol Voisin is a long shot, and if she wins a highly Republican district she might well be a one-termer. But she does have a shot, and a Walden victory in November, while highly probable, isn't a done deal at this point. If Voison, as a near unknown, gets more than 40% of the vote, she also becomes a credible candidate in 2008 when (potentially) her name recognition might be a lot higher than today.

  • Chuck Butcher (unverified)

    Carol can use some help, I've given what I can since the Primary and I'm still pitching for her. It'll only take a minute or two to give her a vote. I can also say from personal experience that those $20 contributions do make a difference, so if that's what you think you can afford, it'll help. If you can do more, that helps. Thanks Chuck

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    I've already donated $1,000 to her campaign, without thinking twice. That buys a lot of bumper stickers and yard signs.

    My god, I hope they do something with that $1000 that will actually move voters. Bumper stickers are useless, and yard signs only marginally above that.

    (As a wise friend once told me, if yard signs moved public opinion, McDonald's would pay for an ad in your yard.)

    Canvassing materials, direct mail, radio time, and TV time. Plus gas money for the candidate to hit the hustings. All better uses of money than stickers, shirts, hats, buttons, and yes, yard signs.

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    Oh, and competent staff.

  • Steve Bucknum (unverified)

    Well, glad to see the supporters - as far as the nay sayers, I've learned you'll never be pleased.

    For the curious, you might be interested to learn that Carol is deserving of and working for your support. Unlike past campaigns, she is all over this District. I've seen her schedules, and she is wearing out a car this summer.

    I wish you all could have seen her 24 hours in Prineville/Crook County. We are a small County, with only 24,000 people; so she really shouldn't stay here long. But making the time work for her while here was important -

    She arrived Saturday noon. She walked the downtown business core meeting store owners, employees, and people in general including at a small farmer's market event. She then went over then to the Fair Grounds (Co. fair was on). She met with cattle owners, sheep owners, and learned about a new unfair Republican / pro-big business effort to identify and track all farm animals that will be another break point for some small producers. She met hundreds of people all over the fair grounds, and attended the FFA dinner BBQ.

    Saturday evening she did door to door canvasing on streets that would be a good location for lawn signs come October. Met some great people, and located lots of places for lawn signs.

    Sunday morning, while Greg Walden stood with the crowd faced away from him (cooking eggs for the 4-H breakfast), Carol worked the food line like it was a reception line. Shook hands with nearly 400 people. Ron Saxton walked by, and she introduced herself. Due to the way Walden and Saxton hung out with the "good old boys" - they were there but unless you already knew their faces, you wouldn't know they were there. Everyone saw Carol.

    Then, Carol went to services at the local Episcopal Church. While that service was not well attended, word is out that Carol is an ordained Methodist minister as a result of that stop.

    Carol left town about noon. - a fast 24 hours.

    --- I have never seen a candidate use 24 hours better than that. Sure, some would have meetings in big halls with $1,000 a plate tickets - but in Prineville it just won't play. Her visit was perfect for her.

    So, supporters take notice, nay sayers - well, you weren't here. And yes, I have donated to her.

  • 16yearoldiwithanopinion (unverified)

    Well steve I am happy to hear that Carol is working so hard. At the end of the day she wont this year but with hard work she will win in 2 years. You guys down there really need get people elected to serve in Salem so you guys have local elected officals to help Carol win. High marks for Carol working hard but sometimes it takes more then one election to win a race.


  • 16yearoldiwithanopinion (unverified)

    Well steve I am happy to hear that Carol is working so hard. At the end of the day she wont this year but with hard work she will win in 2 years. You guys down there really need get people elected to serve in Salem so you guys have local elected officals to help Carol win. High marks for Carol working hard but sometimes it takes more then one election to win a race.


  • Marshall (unverified)

    Seems to me that there is too much riding on this election to allow us to merely check the odds and sit on the sidelines. There are compelling reasons for us, without even thinking twice, to make every effort to achieve a regime change in Washington.

    During the next two years it is likely that those same ideologues that brought us the Iraq War are going to propose attacking Iran. The same ideologues that brought us government-crippling tax cuts for the rich are going to try to make the inheritance tax cut permanent and wage another attack on Social Security. And that's just for starters. They say all politics is local, and what hangs in the balance on these issues will affect all of us in the Second District for years to come.

    I want my representative in Congress to vote against the Cheney/Bush ideological agenda and to propose alternative that help people, not hurt them. Carol Voisin is a sharp, grounded business woman with a doctorate in theology. She has the smarts and the heart to find a way to bring reason, sanity, and justice to our federal government.

    It's time to act, no matter what the odds.

  • Jesse (unverified)

    I think part of our problem is that we listen to too much conventional wisdom. We don't need to abandon this race with hopes for it in '08. We need to start contesting every seat. The days of throwing money in a few targeted districts with massive tv buys at the 11th hour are over.

    To win a majority in the House we need to campaign hard, every day until election day. We need to contest every seat.

    If Democrats are at all serious about taking back Congress, now is your chance to show it.

    I voted for Carol. She is tied for third place, though Patty Wetterling is way out ahead with 23%.

  • DeLoris Bennett (unverified)

    Will someone please tell me how I can find out how Carol feels about some important issues. I am considering voting for someone other than Walden, but I need to know what that person stands for. My e-mail address is [email protected] Thank you.

  • Rick Browne (unverified)

    Carol can win THIS year, but even if she doesn't she can put a dent in Walden's image as Mr. Nice Guy. If you take a detailed look at his voting record it is anything but "nice" for the vast majority of District 2 citizens. He is in the pockets of Big Business taking hundreds of thousands of dollars from Oil, Forestry, Pharmaceuticals and Lobbyists while Carol is running an all-volunteer grass-roots campaign that will leave her beholden to noone but the voters in our district. Like Tom Civiletti said above, voters are clamoring to hear another point of view and NOW is the time to educate the voters on Carol's strengths and Walden's weaknesses. Walden has his eyes on a statewide seat so we need to raise the awareness of how his votes have hurt our district.

    He votes 94% of the time for Bush/GOP bills. He is a rubber-stamp for tax cuts for the wealthy while voting to cut programs that help veterans, rural education, rural job creation, rural medical and hospital aid, and the environment. He has voted YES for every war expenditure bill that came forward ($300 billion and growing), while casting the tie-breaking NO on a bill that would have paid our soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan a measly extra $1500. He also cast the tie-breaking NO vote on accountability with regard to Iraq expenditures giving Bush a blank check to enrich the Halliburtons and Bechtels. He also voted to give the oil industry $5.5 billion in tax subsidies while we pay record prices at the pump and voted against a bill that would have increased security at our 15,000 chemical plants. That is only a hint of Walden's outrageous voting record, see more at: or

    If the citizens of District 2 knew how Greg Walden actually votes they would vote him out overwhelmingly! What would Carol do differently? She will provide oversight and accountability of an administration that has had to answer to noone for 5 years. Her values will lead her to vote for District 2 constituents, not large corporations and offshore tax havens. Her competence and education insures that she will not ignore science or responsibility when it comes to the environment, global warming, alternative energy and our future. She realizes that a smart energy plan focused on self-reliance makes us safer, healthier, and saves us money. Read more at: We need accountability in Washington NOW, and we know from Walden's history that we aren't going to get it from him. Carol Voisin will represent US!

    P.S. Carol took 4th place in Feingold's vote and received $800. We need all the help we can get to raise awareness on Walden's true voting record and getting her name and message out there. As a concerned citizen who wants to put America back on a sensible ethical path forward, anyone with ideas or a willingness to help can email me anytime. Thanks.


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