The gameplan for Oregon House Democrats
Over at DailyKos, blogger georgia10 takes note of a national trend:
Notice anything about the media's post-election coverage?The Republican battle cry echoed by the press prior to the election was that Democrats have no plan. That Democrats are short on ideas. That Democrats were basically passive mutes. That Democratic candidates were basically blank-eyed dolts that dutifully kept their mouths shut as the GOP imploded. ...
Only now, after most races have been called and it's clear that the Democrats will take power, only now do they report on that which they had suppressed throughout the campaign. ... Now the press chooses to report on the Democrats' agenda. Now they're laying out the difference for voters, only after they've cast their ballots. Only now have members of the press suddenly seen the Democratic plan materialize...
The same was largely true here in Oregon. So, for the record, the Oregon House Democrats made their plan crystal clear before the election.
It's right here: The Roadmap for Oregon's Future.
Which of these priorities are important to you? Anything you would add to the list? Discuss.
Nov. 08, 2006
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Nov 8, '06
A good agenda, but, to be fair, I should note that it has lots of additional spending, with apparently no additional income, nor any plan for stabilizing state funding for education, public safety or social services. We need a rainy day fund.
11:00 a.m.
Nov 8, '06
Quite conspicuous by its absence is the protection of civil equality for same-sex relationships. A new version of SB1000 had better hit the House floor next term, or some people will be (rightly) pissed.
Sad to say, the scuttlebutt I've heard is that the Senate would rather not have to deal with it. Too bad.
Nov 8, '06
The gameplan? Obvious:
Raise taxes (or attempt to) Increase social handouts Let more illegal aliens into Oregon Raise even more taxes.
Nov 8, '06
To torridjoe:
Quite conspicuous by its absence is the protection of civil equality for same-sex relationships.
This was voted on by the people of Oregon, and it failed. What part of "We The People" do you not understand?
Nov 8, '06
Fixing Measure 37 and a revision to the bottle bill, putting a deposit on water bottles and other noncarbonated beverage containers.
11:50 a.m.
Nov 8, '06
Have you anything ressembling reality to contribute or are you going to simple vomit up fact-challenged cartoon versions of talkingpoints?
11:53 a.m.
Nov 8, '06
Agreed, hopefully the hand-shy attitudes of the Democratic caucus will fade quickly and they can take stock of who brung them to the dance.
OT: Was good to meet you face to face last night at Saucebox (Mitch here).
12:03 p.m.
Nov 8, '06
justadog: "This was voted on by the people of Oregon, and it failed. What part of "We The People" do you not understand?"
What part of the difference between a civil contract and something called marriage do you not understand?
The backers of M36 explicitly said their measure had nothing to do with civil unions. The fact that they're lying about it now doesn't change that rare truth from them.
Nov 8, '06
Some reality to contribute - but it's a reality not in the Democrat's agenda:
1 - Stop spending money on illegal aliens in Oregon. 2 - Mandate proof of citizenship or US residence when getting a driver's license (and renewal). 3 - Once #2 is implemented make social handouts avaliable to only legal Oregonians. 4 - Increase charter schools and give parents a choice with vouchers - stop forcing parents to send their children to only public schools that continue to fail. 5 - Increase incentives to bring businesses to Oregon, and not mini-mall crap, but high-tech business. Dump the "living wage" crap. 6 - Get the state government out of the business world (first to go would be the liquor business) 7 - Respect the will of the people and stop trying to circumvent the decisions of voters in the courts. 8 - Stop trying to innitiate a "free" medical coverage in Oregon. Nothing is free and such program would add to the burdon already carried by the taxpayers. A better solution would be making people get private insurance coverage. If they don't (especially for their kids) then the state would pay for it and add it to their personal tax bill. 9 - Execute those criminals on death row. 10 - Allow independent auditors to investigate where all of the money Oregonians give up is going to. Do this yearly. Does money go for the intended purpose or is it going elsewhere? 11 - Make public safety a #1 budget item, not just something funded out of some general fund after social programs get money.
Can Democrats deal with reality? Think not.
12:05 p.m.
Nov 8, '06
You too, Mitch, keep in touch!
12:26 p.m.
Nov 8, '06
You know, my dear trolls, just because the election is over, doesn't mean we won't keep donating to progressive causes when you post. Perhaps Oregon's ACLU would like a check from me (supporting their immigrants' rights efforts) when I'm back in Oregon at Xmas? I'll put your name in the memo line, torridjoe.
Nov 8, '06
Come on, this roadmap is just a marketing document. "Protecting kids from online predators" and "preventing identity theft". Jeez. Those things are that pressing?
12:28 p.m.
Nov 8, '06
Dog.... I'll repeat the primary talking point we heard from all you right-wingers after the 2004 election: "We won. You lost. Get over it."
Nov 8, '06
This marketing document was crafted when the GOP was ascendant, both nationally and locally. It was crafted defensively, and, as such, pretty much comes across as very centrist and even right-wing.
"Creating jobs", "cutting waste", "putting kids first"... those things mean nothing. It is just political marketing. It isn't a plan. And, even if it was, it was created when it was assumed that the GOP would be running the national and local agenda. They aren't.
There are no specifics in here, other than crap that was cribbed from a Dateline TV show (you know, protecting kids against the evils on the Internet, and the danger of identity theft... two faux stories that are about as overblown as I have ever seen). Where's the environment? Where's energy? Nowhere.
12:35 p.m.
Nov 8, '06
Er, the above was meant to refer to Dog as the troll, btw...torridjoe's comments were ones I agreed with. Seems not getting much sleep last night while watching election returns may have gotten to me!
Also, snap to Kari, who probably got even less sleep but seems to have his coherence intact.
Nov 8, '06
The best thing that the legislature could do would be to refer a bunch of progressive ballot measures to the electorate... things like open spaces bond measures, bottle bills, etc etc... things to rally the base for the 08 elections, and to get more money (something which they won't be able to do). lets SWAMP out all the right-wing measures with progressive ones... WHY NOT?
12:43 p.m.
Nov 8, '06
I wondered, Rachael! :)
I tend to agree with Peter. I would hope now that the agenda is less campaign speech and more session script, that some specificity and more audacious goal-setting will be in order. And after all the lip service Ted gave to enviros that he will champion their cause in the next term (not saying he wasn't helpful before), they will be expecting him to press the legislature on enacting more of his proposals.
We've got a rare opportunity on the West Coast, folks. With fully Democratic legislatures and either Democratic or enviro-sympathetic executives from Tiajuana to Vancouver, the West could become a proving ground for testing strategies to improve the environment on a mini-macro scale, and the very crucible of a new economic engine for the 21st century: greentech.
Nov 8, '06
Just a Dog:
"This was voted on by the people of Oregon, and it failed. What part of "We The People" do you not understand?"
The Republican agenda was voted on by the people of Oregon (and the rest of the U.S.) and it failed. What part of "We the People" do you not understand?
P.S. I'm sending my contribution to FuturePAC. Thanks for the motivation.
Nov 8, '06
Something to keep in mind:
During the time that the GOP ran our state and our country, we all realized that we were %49.9 but were allowed NO INPUT in the political process. I do not want that to happen to the GOP voters who live here in Oregon. They are Oregonians just as much as we are.
Don't think that I wouldn't love to see Saxton, Minnis et al run out of town on a rail, but I do not think that the concerns of their constituents will go away, and they must be addressed in some manner.
Now is the time to nip this in the bud, not by being Liebermans, but attempting to bring all Oregonians into the fold for the better of our state. This will remove the ammunition from the Grover Norquist types, and show our fellow citizens that we are above " we win politics "
These concerns will not go away, and here is our chance to show these guys that we can really handle these issues, and not just turn them into political footballs.
Nov 8, '06
Dog - thanks for spewing Hannity talking points. I had almost forgotten them after the major defeat of the neocon agenda.
On a more productive discussion, Progressive Democrats need to:
Oregon needs to stop going back to the citizens everytime it needs more revenue. Corporations need to pick up the slack and their fair share.
Nov 8, '06
Can anyone tell me why, at 1:00 PM on Wednesday, seventeen hours after the final ballots were collected, only 73% of the vote has been tallied in House District 49? This does not seem like brain surgery. I read that three precincts are still out. That seems rather suspicious.
Nov 8, '06
Some reality to contribute - but it's a reality not in the Democrat's agenda:
1 - Stop spending money on illegal aliens in Oregon. /// Levy HUGE fines against those companies that hire them, no excuses//// 2 - Mandate proof of citizenship or US residence when getting a driver's license (and renewal). ///But then anyone can still drive a car? I don't disagree with this, but I'm not sure that not having an ODL will stop anyone from driving//// 3 - Once #2 is implemented make social handouts avaliable to only legal Oregonians. /// What about children of? How about using fines levied against businesses that break hiring laws instead?They are the people who brought them here, and left you and I to pay their bills/// 4 - Increase charter schools and give parents a choice with vouchers - stop forcing parents to send their children to only public schools that continue to fail. /// I am a public school parent, and the whole key is involvement. Paying someone to educate your kids will never do the whole job. No thanks to Halliburton High/// 5 - Increase incentives to bring businesses to Oregon, and not mini-mall crap, but high-tech business. Dump the "living wage" crap. ///We shouldn't pay any business to move here at the expense of the population. The more any worker makes, the less you have to worry about those horrible social programs, right?//// 6 - Get the state government out of the business world (first to go would be the liquor business) ///Does that mean not giving incentives to businesses to move here? Which is it?/// 7 - Respect the will of the people and stop trying to circumvent the decisions of voters in the courts. /// If a law is unconstitutional, a judge should stop it. If a vote was taken last night saying that the GOP cannot vote, a judge should throw that out, right?/// 8 - Stop trying to innitiate a "free" medical coverage in Oregon. Nothing is free and such program would add to the burdon already carried by the taxpayers. A better solution would be making people get private insurance coverage. If they don't (especially for their kids) then the state would pay for it and add it to their personal tax bill. -I will trade the $300.00 a month plus high deductibles and the endless runaround for a single payer, not for profit plan that adds to my taxes. Why should anyone draw a profit in the business between me and my doctor?- 9 - Execute those criminals on death row. I am pro life. Those on death row need to live VERY UNCOMFORTABLY for the rest of their lives in prison 10 - Allow independent auditors to investigate where all of the money Oregonians give up is going to. Do this yearly. Does money go for the intended purpose or is it going elsewhere? Did you read the Democratic plan? That was on it. 11 - Make public safety a #1 budget item, not just something funded out of some general fund after social programs get money. The words public safety can be pretty broad. Do you mean clean air/water? More police? Brighter lines in the road? Warning signs on everything?
1:16 p.m.
Nov 8, '06
I'd to begin by thanking the local Democratic Party for their support. Without strong grassroots support, we'd not have been in this race.
I just want to say that I've just gotten off of the phone with our County Clerk who tells me that there are between 1000 and 2000 ballots that were rejected by the machines that need to be reprocessed, and that ballots are still coming in from neighboring counties.
We're going to make sure that every vote gets counted before we take a position on the outcome of the race.
1:24 p.m.
Nov 8, '06
You mean like Brown v. The Board of Education, or Loving v. Virginia...?
Or is it just Oregon courts protecting everyone's civil rights (inlcuding yours) that you have problems with?
FYI, your list of "reality" is not even close.
2:45 p.m.
Nov 8, '06
Don't give up, Sal! Count 'em all!
Nov 8, '06
"kids first" - what the hell is this?!
Whatever happened to the war on terror and invading Iran? If we don't get our ass into gear and start another conflict that destroys millions of lives and kills countless thousands (while helping out our wonderfully developed military industrial complex) where on earth will we be?!
This must be a bitter defeat for the hawks in our midst.
Nov 8, '06
Democrats hadn't picked up seats in the state house in a midterm election in almost a quarter-century (I believe 1982 was when it happened last), and -- echoing Sal's words about the grassroots effots -- it seems to me that the big difference this year was the emergence of meaningful field programs in swing state house races.
Thousands of volunteers dedicated so many hours to these races, and we can't overstate the impact they had this year.
I, for one, am hopeful that service-driven democracy is here to stay.
Nov 8, '06
Thank you, Raul, for the reality. Amen.
Sal-- you rock, and don't give up. It's the cliche of this frantabulous election year, but a year ago, what chances were the conventional whizzers giving to Sal that he could take out the R battleaxe in McMinnville? Slim to none. And here he is within a few hundred votes. Go Sal!!
50 states, 36 counties.
Nov 8, '06
You should publicly state the roadmap4oregon site is admined by Chisholm.
The following is the only mention of improving Oregon's economy? Sounds like a segway for monopolistic energy companies to enter early and buy out ideas and people before the public is ready. Why don't you all get on the current theme where (nearly) every U.S. resident is broke and we as citizens are fed up with corporations, legal hacks and out-of-sight property owners dictating terms and conditions for real employment and living wages?
[[Biofuels and the Rural Economy
Oregon has the potential to become a national leader in alternative energy innovation. We will create more job opportunities in rural Oregon while reducing..]]
I like Pelosi and fellows 6 for '06 better:
And.. dude! Stop using Dailykos talking points. Markos and Sirota are SOOO populist. They tried to sink The Dean of the Washington Press Corps David Broder and look where it got them. Markos means well but has an abrasive attitude you can see it whenever he does marketing spots on TV for his website. See the pattern in their writing?
echoed by the press[who,what,when,why,where,how] prior to the election was that Democrats have no plan. That Democrats are short on ideas. That Democrats were[flipping between past and present tense too much] basically passive mutes. That Democratic candidates were basically blank-eyed dolts that dutifully kept their mouths shut as the GOP imploded.
Only[using absolutes] now, after most races have been called and it's clear that the Democrats will take power, only now do they report on that which they had suppressed throughout the campaign [populist drivel: not getting specific]. Now the press chooses to report on the Democrats' agenda. Now they're laying out the difference for voters, only after they've cast their ballots. [this group uses the same populist ''net neutral'' thinking in terms of how they view media ownership as Rush Limbaugh who claims liberals own the U.S. printed media]
Nov 8, '06
For those who think "illegal immigration" is a major problem, guess what, exit polls from last night found that 57% of the US feels that illegal immigrants should be offered legal status (
Nov 8, '06
And it is even higher in the Western states... 62% feel illegal immigrants should be given legal status (
4:28 p.m.
Nov 8, '06
I'd disagree with Peter and torrid. Don't use this opportunity at unified government as a way to a) refer a bunch of stuff to the citizens and b) fire up the base.
I'd much rather see the Democratic majority GOVERN, and show the citizens of Oregon that a unified Democratic government can make a positive difference in their lives.
So what I'd like to see done is:
1) Fix the school funding problem. To me, this is the number one priority.
2) Partner with major business interests to address the hostile business climate (real or perceived) in Oregon. Make it clear that being Democratic does not mean we are hostile to business or to growth. We're interested in smart growth and good jobs for our citizens. We HAVE to show moderate voters that Democratic government doesn't mean high taxes and services--it means private/public partnerships, a robust economy plus a social safety net.
3) Address the long term issue with undermaintained infrastructure. Show that government can do POSITIVE things, and one of these is make damn sure that Oregon's infrastructure doesn't fall down.
And then when we win again in 2008, let's really make a difference and refer a sales tax to the voters and fix this thing in the long haul. But ONLY if Democrats grow their majority in 2008. ONLY.
Nov 8, '06
No one's mentioned what I think is the most impressive thing about the 2006 Oregon election. Not only did the Dems sweep into the house, the 35-and-under candidates did the heavy lifting. That's pretty cool.
And it wasn't just the candidates. An amazing number of young people turned out as activists and voters. I think we should call 2006 The Year of the Young.
Nov 8, '06
I don't think "firing up the base" and "governing" are mutually exlusive, or need be mutually exclusive anyway. Enacting a meaningful energy independence agenda, expanding kids health care to the 117K uninsured, and getting more money for schools is both the right thing for the state and something many Oregonians -- including progressives -- can get excited about.
You're right to point out that we shouldn't let our infrastructure crumble; however, the Legislature did pass a $2.5 billion dollar transportation package and an additional $100 million for ports and rail in 2003 and 2005. More to be done next session (ConnectOregon II for additional $100 mil) but let's not ignore what's already been planned for the next 5 years.
Nov 8, '06
"Affordable Prescription Drugs We’ll reduce prescription drug costs by allowing individuals and small businesses to benefit from the state’s bulk purchasing power. "
Uh, why dont we offer the whole PERS benefit package, retirement and bennies to everyone? I mean, it works great for them, how about forcing all businesses to offer matching packages. Now that is progressive.
And the UNSTABLE school funding thing? Paul, can you post any data on this? They never have NOT received money have they? PERS costs are averaging above 20% now in every district and that gets paid, right? Maybe you could post the all funds ed budget per pupil for the last 20 years and we could all see this instability? Last time I looked, I am paying taxes quite regularly.
And as far as illegal aliens, the last time we granted amnesty til now we gained about 600%. Do you just want to make Mexico part of the US? This is the message you will send. If YOU personally want to pay bennies for these folks, then sign up. Dont pick my pocket for it, I am too busy paying for PERS and PDX Fire unfunded liabilities. And Peter, do you propose governance by exit poll?
What we do know is that any military conflict that aint over in 30 seconds is suicide for the ruling party. Ongoing troop losses, no matter what level, are not to be allowed. You think a dem Congress is going to fund troop deployments if there is a chance that things "could be perceived as going wrong" and tip the balance of power back again? Of course, the dems wont have Wolf dickhead on a 24 hr a day "things are crap in Iraq" rant. So now we wont wage any war, as it is just too costly politically. Yes, I feel safer....(group hug)..
For the first time in a long time the dems will be responsible for decisions. We will see how you like the spotlight, because at the end of the day, decisions need to be made. Already screamin Howard Dean backtracked his ass off on an Iraq pullout. The rubber hits the road now.
And finally, could someone please answer ONE question on taxation, and that is HOW MUCH IS ENOUGH?????? We are right at 50% now with all taxes and fees, how about 60%? Apparently we need more, so how much do you think we can all afford? 108% of base at 52 years old in PERS, this is a system that needs more money? Why dont all (any??) private business offer this level of benefits?? You mean we would all go broke? Hmmmmmm.
Tattoo your income tax amount and your property tax amount on your foreheads. We'll compare in 4 years.
And a last parting shot, thanks for making it possible for someone to help butcher my 12 yr old daughter and kill my grandchild. All without telling me sh*t. I am sure my rights concerning my children aren't squat compared to keeping all abortion rights at ANY cost. As a society we suck.
5:33 a.m.
Nov 9, '06
To dddave who said:
"And the UNSTABLE school funding thing? Paul, can you post any data on this? They never have NOT received money have they?"
...uh, yes. Because of the lack of stable school funding I and thousands of other teachers did lose money when our doors were shut early one school year a few years ago. Stable funding means my students will always have a full school year so I can make sure they have the tools to go on to college.
And, as for your last statement. Oregonians didn't want your daughter to be butchered...that's why we voted against Measure 43. I've known too many young women who tell me more than they would ever tell their parents. As a high school teacher it is truly amazing how many young people are in homes where kids say their parents are either never home, are too busy to listen, or frankly don't care. (And I try to contact parents and it seems to be true in many cases).
9:20 a.m.
Nov 9, '06
Uh, Dave? Measure 43 had nothing whatsoever to do with your 12 year old daughter. Next time read the measures before voting.
Nov 9, '06
"From Torridjoe: Uh, Dave? Measure 43 had nothing whatsoever to do with your 12 year old daughter. Next time read the measures before voting."
Joe, obviously I was speaking about most all the measures, but your sorry ass attempt at humor over dangerous medical procedures performed on minors with parental notification specifically withheld is par for a raging liberal, but not for reasonable people.
And Deborah, you call the 'hold the parent' school shutdowns significant? Didnt you get some back pay? As far as the girls you speak to that dont want to tell their parents, well, welcome to the human race. If you are offering any advice except 'talk to your folks' then your decision making skills are no better than JoeTorrids reading skills. Ever had your kid operated on without your knowledge? What would be the difference if we offered secret tube tyings? But I guess when you are giving out condoms and birth control pills, giving out abortions kinda fits right in.
3:48 p.m.
Nov 9, '06
Nice try, dddave. I'm not familiar with any other measure besides 43 where one would even TRY to claim a result of "butchering" one's daughter, so you're not going to convince anyone you weren't referring to M43 in that context.
I was making no attempt at humor; I was pointing out that M43 doesn't have the slightest thing to do with 12 year old girls, and thus your amped-up rhetorical analysis was incorrect and inappropriate.
And now you force me to correct your woeful understanding of 43 once again: the status quo does no such thing as "withhold" notification. In fact, much the opposite--right now a doctor is well within his rights to notify the parents of an impending abortion, if he believes it's best for the child. It's simply not mandatory, for obvious reasons that a majority of OR voters were able to grasp.
And for the record, any 15 year old girl can get her tubes tied--or any other surgery--if that's what she wants, without telling her parents. On that one I won't hold you quite so responsible; many people appear to have operated under the delusion that 15 year olds are NOT medically emancipated in this state, thus making 43 a law to establish an exception.
Nov 9, '06
Ok Joe, let's try this. Your daughter is seen going into a abortion clinic by your (one) friend.
You call the clinic to see what is going on.
You are told, what?
8:09 a.m.
Nov 10, '06
dddave wrote: "And Deborah, you call the 'hold the parent' school shutdowns significant? Didnt you get some back pay? As far as the girls you speak to that dont want to tell their parents, well, welcome to the human race. If you are offering any advice except 'talk to your folks' then your decision making skills are no better than JoeTorrids reading skills. Ever had your kid operated on without your knowledge? What would be the difference if we offered secret tube tyings? But I guess when you are giving out condoms and birth control pills, giving out abortions kinda fits right in."
Hey Dave, no, I didn't get the money. I lost 5 days of pay. And I won't even ask you for a contribution.
As for your comment about giving out condoms and birth control pills ..what world do you live in? Teachers don't even talk about those things in our classes (except perhaps health). My job is to educate and as a side benefit try to keep our students safe and secure. Thank God you aren't in the education field. I would be scared for your students.
9:45 a.m.
Nov 10, '06
You are told, what?
Let's say it's your daughter, ddave. If she's under 15, you're told whatever you ask about. If not, you're told to talk to her, not to them.
Then you get your chance to prove what a great Dad you are and how easy you are to talk to and how much you only want what's best for your daughter.
Now don't blow it.
Nov 10, '06
Doretta, Are you saying HIPAA rules wont apply?
Deborah, I am sure YOU dont have out birth control, but you deny schools have taken on this role?
And 5 DAYS OF PAY??????? Holy crap. Most folks 401k went down 40-50% in the 2001 stock market debacle, while PERS got 8% min per year REGARDLESS of the fund performance. So who is paying the difference? My pay went down 50% due to market conditions, and is still not back to what it was. My 401k was not so bad, I only lost $80k, and have not been able to afford putting in anything since, but close, I think we will begin again in 2007, all from my own pocket. Isnt yours made for you, I mean, by me?
5 days of fricken' pay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Earth to Deborah..... you have NO idea of what it is like in the real world. Incredible!!
Nov 10, '06
Two issues to address to add to this conversation.
I currently work in the private sector, but in the past I have worked for a state government. I will never do it again. All that is discussed during any election campaign is how to cut jobs- it is really hard to feel secure in doing a good job that way. It is no bed of roses. Also, I knew that I worked for the citizens of my state, and I took it very seriously, as did my co-workers. There were no anonymous stockholders pressing me, it was my neighbors.
Two, I am a pro life democrat. What, you say? I want to never see or hear of an abortion performed EVER again. Sound good? We can dramatically reduce all abortions EASILY-
offer birth control and advice and education to all who want it, and have mandatory sex-ed for all kids starting at pre puberty. Introduce them to teenage parents and let them talk about how hard it is. Encourage communication between parents and children.
Plan B for free over the counter- this drug is effective pre- fertilization. It doesn't kill anything.
Vigourously prosecute ALL incidents of rape and incest and have rape kits available in the ER for evidence gathering. Teach all women in school Phys Ed self defense at a young age, and teach all boys no means no- and make them aware that they will GO TO JAIL FOR A LONG TIME. The same goes for incest ( which is very rare )
I am the father of a daughter. If she can't talk to me or her mother about these things, it is my problem and her loss. Making something illegal doesn't make it go away ( see The War on Drugs )all it does is punish after the damage has been done. Prevention and education is the key.
5:39 a.m.
Nov 11, '06
Hey Dave,
Nov 12, '06
Yesss, dddave, Doretta did say that a clinic would tell you what happens at your 12-year-old daughter's medical appointment. She also said that you'd get a blank wall if you asked about your 15-year-old daughter. Which part of HIPAA is too complicated for you?
Nov 30, '06
Rats desert a sinking ship... Gervase
Nov 30, '06
Democrats love VBM because illegal non-citizens and the dead can vote without proof of citizenship! Secular Progressives only believe in the Resurrection at voting time! I wonder why there are no conservatives and their lawyers screaming about the close elections in 5 states. I’d bet my life that if it were the other way around the Democrats would be crying and winning. The Conservative Republicans are like the Parents and the Democrats are like the children who if they can’t get their way they cry and holler about it. The democrats are truly the emotional illogical children in our nation. They will scream and even cheat like they did in Washing State until they win or either yells election fraud. Babies, Babies, Marxist Babies!!