Ban predatory patrol towing

Over at Blogolitical Sean, blogger Sean Cruz proposes banning predatory patrol towing. What's that?

When patrol towing, tow truck drivers are not called by the property owners and do not get authorization to take specific vehicles. Instead, usually in the middle of the night, tow truck operators cruise through parking lots and take any vehicle that they feel they can construe as “harvestable.”

What's the alternative?

Many states, including California, Florida, New York and Washington, have already enacted legislation to ban the practice. In those states, tow truck operators must receive authorization to take a specific vehicle -- a signed form -- from the property owner or agent at the time and place of impound. Towing companies may not act as agents of the owner.

There's more over at Blogotical Sean - including a discussion about last year's US Court of Appeals decision that allows states to ban predatory patrol towing. Read the rest. Discuss over there.

(Hat tip to Jack Bogdanski.)


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