Kos: Gordon Smith is "a coward and a puppet"

After Gordon Smith voted against debate on the Warner resolution he claims he supports - big dog blogger Kos called the senator "a coward."

Smith is a coward and a puppet of Mitch McConnell and George Bush and the extreme right-wing of the GOP. He'll talk a good game... But when it comes to action, he'll defer to what his masters decree.

FYI, BlueOregon fans -- this week, Kos cut his blogroll roughly in half, but added BlueOregon to the mix. By way of comment, Kos said his blogroll now includes "only sites I visit regularly and group blogs from states I expect to become hot battlegrounds."

Bring it on, Mr. Best-Dressed Senator, bring it on.

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    I was just coming over to see if Smith's vote had come up for discussion. I can understand Reid's change of vote, to be able to reintroduce again. But what excuse can Smith really have? Unlike the "maverick" image he still tries to portray, Gordon Smith is a party line Republican, and cares not a bit about what his constituency really wants, only about what will keep him in office.

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    Gordon Smith is a party line Republican

    And this is a shocking revelation?

    We beat him up for that, we beat him up for coming out against the war...however tentatively, insincerely, or sleazily, if you want. I still appreciate what he did. (And, thank god, there haven't been any wafflers and triangulators on the war on the Democrats side.)

    Anyway, would somebody run against him already?

    Something to keep in mind...nobody was willing to run against the all-powerful Mayor Frank Ivancie, until barkeep Bud Clark stepped to the plate and stole the election in the primary.

    I'll be the among the first to "whoop whoop" when Smith steps down at last. But, in the meantime...we're throwing spitballs, when we should be organizing.

  • Erik Sorensen (unverified)

    big dog blogger Kos called the senator "a coward."

    And this of interest, why? It is not like some "Republican" called Smith a coward. This is coming from Kos, after all. Not much of a headliner.

    Besides, the way Smith voted was totally expected after his earlier statement coupled with Bush's troop escalation plan.

    ...being blown up by the same bombs day after day. That is absurd. It may even be criminal. I cannot support that anymore."

    Smith added: "So either we clear and hold and build, or let's go home."

    Looks like Smith voted his first preference--"We" are gonna "clear", "hold" and "build".

    Quote Link: http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/localnews/2003468687_websmith08.html

  • Annette Pritchard (unverified)

    Sorry, but I have a big spitball still to throw at Mr. Smith. On 2/11/04 at 19 years old, my nephew, PFC William Ramirez of Portland was blown up by in IED in Baghdad. He was the 538th American troop to die there. It was wrong before it started, it was wrong when William died and it has continued to be wrong as 2500+ have followed him to their graves. It is hard to respect Smith's change of heart when my nephew no longer has a chance to change his mind about dying in an illegal war. This teenager who was asked to sacrifice all had more bravery in his little finger than Smith can find in a whole wardrobe of designer gray suits. Brave words in an empty chamber are hot air -- Smith cannot bring himself to put his vote on the line even as our children are dying for his mistakes. This war is no longer just W's war, it is the responsibility of ANY official who continues to support and fund it!!

  • TomCat (unverified)

    I called his office in DC and told his aide that I considered Smith a lair and a hypocrite because of his cowardly vote. His aide told me he voted the way he did, because "he supports debate on Iraq." What a crock of ..... never mind.

  • j_luthergoober (unverified)

    Hey Bluefolk, stand back and let those Cons dig... at this rate they'll have dug themselves a nice deep hole to run their reelection campaigns from. Me thinks it will take more than $2M to get back up to sea level, Gordito...

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    Posted by: TomCat | Feb 6, 2007 9:22:17 AM I called his office in DC and told his aide that I considered Smith a lair and a hypocrite because of his cowardly vote. His aide told me he voted the way he did, because "he supports debate on Iraq." What a crock of ..... never mind.

    So did you by chance ask his office why Smith lied to the Eugene Register-Guard back on the 24th, saying he would cosponsor the Warner/Levin resolution which he has not just NOT cosponsored, but in fact just voted to filibuster yesteday?

  • Sid Leader (unverified)

    Keep fighting folks... since it's a good fight... since multi-millionaire pea farmer Sen. Gordon Smith has tasted the sheer, unadulterated power of Congress, Hummer limos, champagne starts right after lunch... flying coast to coast in private corporate jets with leggy air attendants attending to his every need... like... "More lobster Mr. Smith?".

    I spent 10 years on Tri-Met's #15 bus, going to work in the day and grad school at night, and the closest we got to lobster was rolling by the Red Lobster in east county.

    Fight him, fight him, fight him, and then bury him politically.

    So, who's got the stake?

  • j_Luthergoober (unverified)

    Sorry Sid, fresh outta stakes, used 'em up on Burns and Santorum. Although, I do have a pike or two in the garage that I'd be delighted to donate to the cause...

  • Byard Pidgeon (unverified)

    There's a bit of a logic problem here. I don't support him, but to say "Gordon Smith is a party line Republican, and cares not a bit about what his constituency really wants, only about what will keep him in office" is logically and, apparently, politically mistaken. His constituents are the ones who voted for him, as well as those who didn't. There were more of the former. The minds of the constituents may change by the next time he runs. I hope so.


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