In case you're still undecided ...

Chris Lowe

Courtesy of my brother in Louisville, KY:

Bluegrass Legend Ralph Stanley Endorses Obama
by Anita Kumar

Bluegrass legend Ralph Stanley endorsed Democrat Barack Obama for president tonight while the Illinois senator was on a campaign swing through Southwest Virginia.

"After the last eight years, Virginia families need someone on their side, someone looking out for their interests, and I know Barack Obama will be that leader," Stanley said. "He'll make it easier for parents to send their kids to college and make sure they have more money left in their pockets at the end of the month."

Stanley, 81, of Coeburn, received the National Medal of Arts in 2006, the nation's highest honor for artistic excellence. In 2008, the Virginia General Assembly designated him the Outstanding Virginian.


Kumar is a Virginia politics blogger for the Washington Post

I liked the first comment at the blog there too, from Kristen in TN: "Best endorsement you could ask all we need is Ralph in a commercial for Barack, to be aired all over Appalachia. Obama/Biden '08."

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