Dave Hunt to Replace Speaker Merkley

Oregon House Democrats announced today that Dave Hunt will replace Jeff Merkley.

House Majority Leader Dave Hunt (D-Clackamas County) will be the House Democrats’ nominee for Speaker of the Oregon House of Representatives following today’s House Democratic Caucus meeting. Dave_hunt Rep. Mary Nolan (D-Portland) will assume Hunt’s current role as majority leader.

Democrats, who will hold 36 seats in the 2009 session, unanimously selected Hunt to be their choice for Speaker to replace U.S. Senator-elect Jeff Merkley. Thirty-one votes are required to win election for Speaker which will be held on January 12, the first day of the 2009 session.

House Democrats also elected these members to their Leadership Team:

  • Speaker Pro-Tem: Arnie Roblan (D-Coos Bay)
  • Majority Whip:      Peter Buckley (D-Ashland)
  • Deputy Majority Whip: Tina Kotek (D-Portland)         
  • Assistant Majority Whip: Tobias Read (D-Beaverton)
  • Assistant Majority leader (policy): Sara Gelser (D-Corvallis/Philomath)
  • Assistant Majority Leader (political): Phil Barnhart (D-Central Lane and Linn counties)


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    I had the pleasure of spending some time chatting with Rep. Tobias Read and just watching him do his thing as a small group of us worked the Beaverton Farmer's Market along with Senator-elect Merkley towards the end of the Primary.

    I don't know that I'd describe it as charisma per se, but I am of the firm opinion that people probably have to put some very determined effort into it before they can actually dislike Rep. Read. He's just flat out likable on an almost instinctive level.

    I foresee a very bright future for him in Oregon politics.

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    For those that are curious, here's the current leadership info from the Oregon House's web site:

    Jeff Merkley (Portland) Speaker of the House

    Diane Rosenbaum (Portland) Speaker Pro Tempore

    Dave Hunt (Clackamas County) House Majority Leader

    Peter Buckley (Ashland) Majority Whip

    Arnie Roblan (Coos Bay) Deputy Majority Whip

    Betty Komp (Woodburn) Assistant Majority Leader-Policy

    Sara Gelser, (Corvallis) Assistant Majority Leader-Policy

    Phil Barnhart (Central Lane & Linn Counties) Assistant Majority Leader-Political

    Tobias Read (Beaverton) Assistant Majority Leader-Political

    Chip Shields (N/NE Portland) Assistant Majority Leader-Political

  • Bill R. (unverified)

    A special congrats to Phil Barnhart! I remember him well from college days.

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    Based on my limited experience, Dave Hunt is a great choice as speaker. Congratulations to everyone on the Democratic leadership team, and to the Democratic caucus for a strong campaign in 2008. Here's hoping for bi-partisan majorities to address the serious problems facing Oregon.

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    Unanimous for Dave, and Mary Nolan at Majority Leader is a good balance, good line up downhouse too.

    Now if I can just get the image of Peter Buckley/With Whip out of my head.......

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    Mary Nolan as Majority Leader is an inspired choice. Nolan is a fantastic progressive who has absolutely earned this job. She's a very hard worker and an extremely smart legislator.

    I look forward to watching her this session.

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    I think whoever posted this forgot to put a link, or mention what paper it's quoted from.

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    It looks like it came straight from the press release. I'm thinking I saw the press released in its entirety in a news story and that it was the text listed above.

  • in the building (unverified)
    <h2>Nice work, Nolan. Hunt is no surprise, but it was widely believed for months that Arnie Roblan would likely be majority leader while Nolan was a long shot. Both Nolan and Roblan are smart and capable as well as progressive (in contrast to Hunt, who's a moderate), but Roblan gives voice to rural issues and everybody adores Arnie. What happened?</h2>
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