Open Thread: Presidential Race

Use this space to talk about the presidential race. Anything that's on your mind.

And for your viewing pleasure, the real-time results map from Daily Kos. (Yeah, they've paid the big money for the AP's results feed, and we'll just piggyback along.)


  • inger,dylan,dolly,rose,april (unverified)

    People around the world are watching the most amazing process taking place in our country's history. Will we elect the first Black man to the President of the United States. The arrival of Barack Obama and a new administration will mean the end of the Bush and his crazy ass cronies. Wish for the Best, don't look back, let's take back America, let people leave their house and flood the streets to ring in the new President. See you all on the flip side.. inger

    what we gonna do when the revolution comes? Many of us, over the course of the last eight years, have mourned the corporate auction of our democracy, the senseless murder of countless civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan, the marginalization of and oppression against our own people here, and now--finally--there looks to be a glimmer on the horizon. All I can say is that I breathe a huge sigh, and wait for the final results to come through. viva la revolucion Dylan

  • inger,dylan,dolly,rose,april (unverified)

    People around the world are watching the most amazing process taking place in our country's history. Will we elect the first Black man to the President of the United States. The arrival of Barack Obama and a new administration will mean the end of the Bush and his crazy ass croonies. Wish for the Best, don't look back, let's take back America, let people leave their house and flood the streets to ring in the new President. See you all on the flip side..

    what we gonna do when the revolution comes? Many of us, over the course of the last eight years, have mourned the corporate auction of our democracy, the senseless murder of countless civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan, the marginalization of and oppression against our own people here, and now--finally--there looks to be a glimmer on the horizon. All I can say is that I breathe a huge sigh, and wait for the final results to come through. viva la revolucion Dylan

    For me I feel the edges peeling, the ice cracking, we are a part of the global consciousness. The sun is rising and we are turning toward the light! It is a great time to be alive. We can change it if we try!! Love And Solidarity April.

    Holy shit...I never would've thought that 08 would turn out to be so historic. I'm proud to put this page in history in my archives....This might be one of those "tell your grandkids" things...but much much more to watch.

    I got a text message the other day that said "Rosa sat so Martin could walk. Martin walked so Obama could run, Obama ran so our children can fly." I never in my life have been so proud to be an American.

  • johnnie (unverified)

    Congratulations to Obama, on many fronts. But most importantly for being the first African American President. Here's hoping many more minorities as well as the female gender in any party continue to be elected.

    Now the work begins and BlueOregon will be defending the O Administration. I for one hope this election begins to allow the realization we as Americans are putting racial and gender preferences in the past.

    Good luck and have fun tonight and the next few weeks!

  • Bill R. (unverified)

    Our 44th President of the United States of America. Tonight America has found its better angels. God bless America!

  • joel dan walls (unverified)

    You stay classy, Nader.

    "Refusing to do any of the work to build up third party infrastructure nationally, Ralph Nader has a bit of sour grapes whine, and calls Obama an 'Uncle Tom'.

    "It's really bad when Fox News is classier than a national figure like Ralph Nader."

    That's right, Uncle Tom. Check out the link.

  • joel dan walls (unverified)

    You stay classy, Nader.

    Let's try that HTML again.

  • Stephen Amy (unverified)

    Not so fast, Democrats.

    Anybody out there enthusiastic about the appointment of Rahm Emanuel as chief-of-staff? If so, please post why and, if you are enthusiastic about Emanuel, please post why you happen to be a Democrat as Rahm is head of the right-wing "New Democrat Coalition" and has a foreign policy that Benjamin Netanyahu could love.

    And word is that Larry Summers is in line for Treasury Secretary. Of course, Summers is one of the architects of the banking de-reg. He also thinks the poorer countries of the world should be used as landfills for first-world garbage.

    Is this "change we can believe in"?

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