Barbara Dudley on a State Bank

T.A. Barnhart

The Working Families Party held a forum on their proposed Oregon State Bank last night.

Although other speakers attended, including the tardy but entertaining Jefferson Smith (and Michelle Obama SOTU seatmate Jim Houser), it was pretty much a Barbara Dudley Q&A session. Of course, no one knows more about the Oregon State Bank than Dudley, and she's an engaging speaker, so it was time well spent for those wishing to learn more.

And while she did explain the concept behind the bank as proposed by WFP, she also acknowledged that with a bill in the House (HB2972, sponsored by Bob Jenson) and a version in Phil Barnhart's hands, what emerges in the next few weeks — is a mystery. But for now, here's Barbara Dudley with a few cogent points on the bank.

If you want to learn more or get involved with the campaign, the OSB website is your best starting point. They also have a Facebook page.


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