HD-46: Seven candidates so far
Kari Chisholm

On Thursday, Rep. Ben Cannon's resignation will become official, triggering the flurry of activity that is the appointment process.
The deadline for candidates to file is September 20. (One files by filling out the "willingness to serve" form, and returning it to the DPO.)
Then, on September 21, the Democrats who are serving as precinct committee persons (PCPs) in House District 46 will select between three and five party nominees.
Then, sometime before September 30, the Multnomah County Commission will interview the candidates in a public hearing, and select one to serve as state representative. If they are unable to agree, Governor John Kitzhaber would have the sole power to select anyone to serve in the post.
The candidates must have lived within House District 46 and been a registered Democrat for six months. And while the legislature has issued new maps, those don't go into effect until next year, so the old map is what counts. (Want to geek out? Here's the statute.)
So far, there are seven candidates. In alpha order:
- Elizabeth Crane
- Alissa Keny-Guyer
- Rob Milesnick
- Walt Nichols
- Trisha Parks
- James Schwartz
- Mary Volm
Previously, Milesnick ran for Multnomah County Commission in 2008. Volm and Nichols ran for Portland City Council in 2010. Keny-Guyer had reportedly been considering a run for County Commission in 2012.
Know any of these folks? Feel free to weigh in with your thoughts. Are you on the list? Feel free to introduce yourself. Are you an HD-46 voter? What are you hoping to see in your next state representative?
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11:01 a.m.
Aug 30, '11
I just really enjoy how much HD 46 looks like a dude with a pompadour.
11:18 a.m.
Aug 30, '11
now if only there was a district that looked like a Vespa...
4:12 p.m.
Sep 1, '11
It's the Elvis district. :) Had we continued to live at 75th and Halsey, I'd have been involved here. In fact, I was PCP in this district while I did.
5:07 p.m.
Sep 2, '11
Henry, we can't wait to see you with a Pompadour! It will be perfect for Trick or Vote.
As one of the HD 46 PCPs, I will enthusiastically be casting one of my votes for Alissa Keny-Guyer.
As a long-time party activist I know Alissa shares our values and principles. What really sets her apart is the depth and breath of her knowledge, and her decades of experience working on behalf of those who are less fortunate, especially children.
I first got to know Alissa from our mutual work in early childhood education (my day job). She has been a leader in several Oregon early childhood advocacy groups, including service as the Chair of Portland Children’s Levy Collaboration Committee.
Right now she is the Program Manager for Oregon Solutions which has brought Oregon leaders together to rebuild Vernonia's flood ravaged public schools.
HD 46 is fortunate to have a number of strong candidates. Her work in education and healthcare and her lifelong commitment to serving the under served, are what really make Alissa Keny-Guyer stand out.
3:13 p.m.
Aug 30, '11
Rob Milesnick has my endorsement for this seat. (Though Sue and I moved to Montana to be fulltime factors in the lives of our granddaughters, I hope my 18 years in Congress from Oregon gives me standing to make this endorsement).
Rob's a life-long Democrat and a remarkably accomplished activist.
He is an attorney in private practice, an Adjunct Professor in the Hatfield School of Government, former drug and alcohol counselor for the Multnomah County DUII Intensive Supervision Program, Appointed by Ted Kulongoski to the Governors Juvenile Justice Advisory Council, Vice Chair of the 2010 Mutnomah County Charter Review Committee, Advisory Board Member for the City of Portland’s Human’s Rights Commission.
And that's only part of the story. I urge readers to support Rob in the Special Election.
9:53 p.m.
Sep 1, '11
I have the privilege of living in HD46 and also serving as a precinct committeeperson. Knowing that we are tasked with providing a list of three to five nominees to the county commissioners, I'm keeping an open mind for the second through fifth spots on my ballot, but my very first choice is Alissa Keny-Guyer. I first met Alissa through my work with Emerge Oregon, which trains Democratic women in the nuts and bolts of running for office.
But above and beyond the Emerge connection, I admire her so much for her intelligence and the depth and breadth of her knowledge and experience, particularly in the areas of public health and education, where the Legislature will be repeatedly challenged to innovate in coming years.
I know Alissa is reaching out to all the PCPs and to the extent anyone reading is a fellow PCP I would just say, go have coffee with her. I know you will be impressed, and I urge you to give her one of the spots on your ballot.
10:06 p.m.
Sep 1, '11
I have live in House District 46 for 15 years. I am supporting Alissa Keny-Guyer for the appointment. She has a great experience and a strong commitment to our community. She will fight for schools, essential safety net services and champion equity issues. I have gotten to know Alissa over the course of the last year as she is my Emerge 'sister' and classmate. We would be lucky to have her appointed. I have to also take a moment to acknowledge Elizabeth Crane. She is my neighbor, a good friend and another champion of equity, education and safety net services. She is a champion for women's issues and I hope people listen to her story - it is compelling.
11:54 a.m.
Sep 6, '11
As Multnomah Democratic Party Chair, I'd like to make publicly clear that the Multnomah Democratic Party does not endorse in races that pit Dems against Dems. Our role as a Party in particular to the HD 46 Convention, is to provide the best process possible as prescribed by Oregon Law.
PCPs who have endorsed candidates are speaking for themselves and neither for the Party nor the District.
We have a fine bunch of folks who have stepped up to take on the awesome challenge of representing the people of HD 46. Our Convention evening on the 21st will include a pre-Convention candidate forum at 5:45pm which is open to the public, Hollywood Sr. Center, 1820 NE 40th.
1:06 p.m.
Sep 7, '11
I would be interested in knowing the level of involvement in the district. By this I mean: Did they run for the Legislature from this district previously? Have they participated in community activities focusing on the district? What is their vision for the district and the state?