HD-46: Meet the Candidates (most of them) (briefly)
T.A. Barnhart

Keny-Guyer, Milesnick, Nichols, Parks, Schwartz, Volm
At the Multnomah County Dems monthly meeting on Thursday, September 8, six of the seven declared candidates appeared and spoke briefly. Here’s a summary of each, in the order that they spoke. None of the summaries do them justice, so check out the materials linked below.
Alissa Keny-Guyer: 17 years in the community. Involved with policy at city, policy & state levels. 3 big areas: Grow economy for living-wage jobs. Invest in kids; produce a world-class education system. Transform health care so we invest up-front; transform how we pay and deliver care.
Rob Milesnick: Reminded folks he’d run for Multnomah County Commission in 2008, gaining the endorsements of the Oregonian and numerous electeds. He’s an adjunct professor at PSU, a member of AFT; a lawyer. Wants to continue Ben Cannon’s environmental legacy. Lack of jobs affects ability of state to offer and maintain social programs. Education: wants to change outcomes.
Walt Nichols: Former Chair Mount Scoot Neighborhood Assn. People in the district are in desperate need. Stable education funding is needed. Wants to prioritize education and public safety programs. Can’t keep cutting programs and expect to maintain quality of life.
Trisha Parks: 20 years in the public schools, teaching history and English. A middle school teacher “so I’m ready for anything”. A “go-to person” on social justice issues. Has served on BRO’s PAC fundraising committee. A former OEA Board member and local president. Serves as a mentor to new teachers.
James Schwartz: Nurse, husband, father, small business owner. Believes single-payer is best option for getting health care to all but is open to other options. Strong protector of the environment; embraces green energy. Wants to sustain “residential viability”. Education: wants opportunities for all kinds of learners. Earn a life, not a grade.
Mary Volm: Former spokesperson for the City of Portland and worked on economic development for the state. Democrat “in the womb”; grew up with strong Democratic values. “Jobs jobs and jobs”. Has economic development experience; can attract new business, grow existing and retain small businesses. Experience “across the board”; can “hit the ground running”.
Elizabeth Crane did not attend the meeting.
The filing deadline is September 20th. Precinct committee people will vote on 3 nominees on the 21st. That will happen at the Hollywood Senior Center, with a 1-hour debate at 5:45 and the nominating convention at 7 pm. More info is at the Mult Dems website.
Each candidate presented written statements which can be found on the Mult Dems’ website.
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10:22 a.m.
Sep 9, '11
the HD 42 Dems will have a booth at the Belmont Street Fair tomorrow, #85 between 35th & 37th. we're going to have candidates there all day long, including most of the HD 46 folks. here's the schedule so you can drop by.
12-1 James Schwartz (HD46) & Mary Nolan (Pdx CC) 1-2 Charlie Hales (Pdx Mayor) & Alissa Keny-Guyer (HD 46) 2-3 Mary Volm (HD46) 3-4 Max Brumm (Pdx Mayor) & Walt Nichols (HD46) 4-5 Max Brumm, Ted Wheeler & Rob Milesnick (HD 46) 5-6 Max Brumm 6-8 no guests but the booth will be staffed
9:24 a.m.
Sep 13, '11
As an OEA member I have teamed up with Trisha Parks for many years to further improve public education, advocate for students and stand up for workers. I am confident in her skill as a problem solver, collaborator and woman of action. I have seen her accomplishments. Trisha would have a powerful and positive legislative impact on behalf of HD46. Vote Parks!
6:53 p.m.
Sep 13, '11
Thanks Cathy! I'm lucky to have you in my corner.
4:27 p.m.
Sep 13, '11
In my opinion, Mary Volm has the dedication and experience necessary for the HD46 position. I am confident her unique qualities make her the best candidate and that she will be an asset to the Oregon Legislature. I urge you to vote for her on September 21.
7:40 p.m.
Sep 13, '11
Trisha Parks is a Community and Service Leader that has made her school and Portland a better place and would be a perfect match to take over the position previously held by Ben Cannon. She brings clarity and openness to issues and gets things done. Her support of local businesses as well as her strong education background means she will bring both short and longer term vision to the position.
10:16 a.m.
Sep 14, '11
Just a quick correction and a clarification.
At the Convention itself, PCPs of HD 46, as Convention delegates, will make the decision to forward 3, 4 or 5 names to the Multnomah County Board of Commissioners, which will select Rep. Cannon's replacement from those nominees. their selection must be made by Oct. 1.
The public is welcome to both the debate and to the Convention itself on Sept. 21.
5:59 p.m.
Sep 17, '11
There are some terrific candidates in this race, but Rob Milesnick rises to the top in a talented field. I’ve known Rob for years through my work with the Democratic party and candidates and I recommend him highly.
Rob has the professional skills a lawmaker needs: he is an attorney and an adjunct professor at Portland State’s Hatfield School of Government. Rob also has an excellent record of public service, having served on the Governors Juvenile Justice Advisory Council, the 2010 Multnomah County Charter Review Committee, the Advisory Board of the City of Portland’s Human’s Rights Commission, and the City of Portland’s Independent Police Review board,
Rob walked much of the legislative district during his 2008 campaign for Multnomah County Commissioner. When you knock on as many doors as Rob did in that race you get a great understanding of voters’ concerns and priorities. That knowledge would serve him – and House District 46 -- well in Salem. I urge House District 46 PCPs to nominate him on Sept. 21.