Blumenauer calls for ethics investigation of Clarence Thomas

Kari Chisholm FacebookTwitterWebsite

On Wednesday, Congressman Earl Blumenauer and roughly a dozen of his Congressional colleagues called on the House Judiciary Committee to open hearings to determine if Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas committed ethical lapses - including those that might lead to impeachment.

From the O's Charlie Pope:

“Reports of potential ethical lapses by Justice Thomas’s actions give rise to concerns about conflicts of interest undermining appellants’ rights of due process and also raise substantive questions about Justice Thomas’s ability to retain his seat,” said the letter, which was written by Blumenauer and will be delivered today.

“We urge that your committee hold hearings regarding the nature of these questions, their factual basis, and their potential to undermine the public’s trust in the Supreme Court,” it says.

What alleged ethical lapses? From Blumenauer's letter (pdf):

Not only did Justice Thomas fail to report at least $1.6 million in income from his wife's employer, but the very public role played by his wife as co-founder, president and CEO of Liberty Central clearly merits investigation considering that federal law bars judges from participating in any matter in which their impartiality could be questioned.

The very public role played by his wife in opposing healthcare reform, and Justice Thomas’ insinuations in public speeches that he supports her positions, raises clear questions about the appearance of bias," it continues.


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