Kaboom! Marriage campaign gets off to a rockin' start

Kari Chisholm FacebookTwitterWebsite

This is huge. Just ten days into signature gathering, Oregon United has announced that they've already landed 37,211 signatures on their proposed constitutional amendment -- smashing their initial goal of 10,000 signatures in 10 days.

They need a total of 116,284 valid signatures by July 3, 2014. At this rate, they'll rocket past that number in just over month -- giving them ten months to pad the total, ensure they've got enough valid signatures, and build a grassroots campaign.

Of course, we can't get complacent. These are the heady, early days when it's all about enthusiasm and excitement. The opposition is hunkering down and getting organized too.

It's easy to think that marriage equality is going to be easy in Oregon in 2014. After all, we've already won in 13 states - and when you live in Oregon's bright blue urban archipelago, you're surrounded by like-minded folks.

But there are plenty of folks who don't share our values. Plenty of folks who oppose a constitutional freedom to marry by pointing to civil unions. And plenty of folks who are just plain confused - and think we're going to require churches and mosques to perform marriages they oppose. (We're not. Read the text.)

So, if you believe in the freedom to marry, make sure you sign the petition, join the campaign, and tell your friends. The most powerful thing we can do is create a tidal wave of enthusiasm.

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