Carla Axtman

Carla Axtman is a political animal and blogger. She started blogging in 2004 as a response to the malaise and frustration of progressive politics & politics on both the national & local levels. Carla specializes in online organizing and communications. Another politico recently referred to her thusly: "...a cross between a pitbull, a barracuda and a scorpion. ... She's ferocious."

September 27, 2009HD 24: Republican Jim Weidner stripped of committees
September 24, 2009Senator Rick Metsger won't seek reelection
September 24, 2009Oregon Supremes throw brush back pitch against M11 sentencing
September 23, 2009Updated: Val Hoyle to replace Chris Edwards in HD 14
September 22, 2009Lynn Peterson: covert candidate for Oregon Governor?
September 22, 2009It's not easy being green: OLCV releases 09 legislative scorecard
September 21, 2009Divide and Conquer 101
September 18, 2009Gordon Smith is not going to run for Governor of Oregon
September 17, 2009Poll: It still sucks to be a Republican in the Oregon Governor's race
September 17, 2009Merkley fights the good fight on healthcare
September 16, 2009Oh Logic... you are a soft on crime, big gubmint lovin' liberal
September 15, 2009Can the Oregon GOP come back from the edge?
September 10, 2009Tony Marino. Ugh.
September 08, 2009Primarying Wu: Meet David Robinson
September 07, 2009On splits, chasms and other ways to divide and conquer.
September 04, 2009Alley, Atkinson and Lim: Clash of the non-Titans
September 04, 2009Stuff to rattle your Friday-loving bones
September 03, 2009Clem drops out of Guv race; endorses Kitzhaber
September 02, 2009Chris Edwards now a State Senator; House seat up for grabs
September 02, 2009SurveyUSA's first poll in the Oregon Governor's race (or why it sucks to be Allen Alley)
August 31, 2009Monday, make me too busy to blog
August 28, 2009Updated: Rex Rammell still thinks assassinating Obama is funny.
August 27, 2009Look out teabaggers, birthers and deathers, the eliminationists are going to upstage you
August 26, 2009You can stand me up at the gates of Hell....
August 25, 2009Frohnmayer to take on Wyden?
August 24, 2009Is there really a West vs. East divide in Oregon?
August 22, 2009Not-so-idle speculation: Hasina Squires feeding fake stories to the Oregon press?
August 19, 2009Blumenauer and DeFazio throw down for the public option. Reward them.
August 18, 2009Kotek won't run for Carter's seat
August 18, 2009Word on the street: Collymore for State Senate?
August 18, 2009Beaverton's own gets gig with Smashing Pumpkins
August 16, 2009Oregon's greased wheels of (in)justice
August 11, 2009Another Wu Town Hall, another big crowd
August 11, 2009Jon Isaacs to take the helm at OLCV
August 10, 2009First Report: Wu Town Hall in McMinnville
August 09, 2009Town halls in Oregon: Posterity awaits.
August 03, 2009Anti-tax-fairness group using convicted forgers, thieves and sex offenders to gather signatures
August 03, 2009Merkley hits the trifecta at Madras town hall: Teabaggers, Birthers and Deathers.
July 31, 2009All things bright and tax fairness-y.
July 28, 2009Snapshots of how much it sucks to be a Republican these days
July 27, 2009The public option: Defazio, Merkley and Dean on health care reform
July 27, 2009Nancy Nathanson: Not a candidate for Walker's Senate Seat
July 25, 2009Rep. Kotek swings the hammer against anti-tax fairness lobbyist
July 24, 2009Apparently Portland is getting soccer while baseball gets bupkis.
July 21, 2009Gov signs tax bills into law; GOP/big business interests go into full court froth
July 21, 2009Maybe if he borrowed an abacus...
July 19, 2009And that's the way it is...Goodbye Mr. Cronkite
July 16, 2009Republican files to run against Wu; District yawns
July 16, 2009Mike Lux: Progressives, re-start your engines
July 15, 2009In the winner's circle: The Metolius

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