Hard choices: Oregon governor, Legislature face grim menu on worker pay


Raising taxes isn't currently on the table. Services already have been cut, and further reductions to schools, prisons and the poor will spark great debates and surgical strikes.

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    "As the Nov. 2 election nears, public employee pay is the elephant in the room.

    Discussing the subject in detail is tough for Democrats, who derive much of their financial support from public employee unions. And while Republicans have been more forthcoming on the subject, it's not clear yet how much influence they'll wield in the process."

    "'The problem has been that, over the long term, management has been too timid,' said Mike Greenfield, who served as Oregon Department of Administrative Services director for the last 18 months of John Kitzhaber's second term. 'The union has done a very good job of representing employees. The management ... has been a weenie.'"

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