Matt Davis is Leaving Portland

Portland Mercury:

My life, so far, has been characterized by taking fairly large calculated risks which have paid enormous dividends, and I don't see why I should stop doing that now. I'm moving to New Orleans because I love the place, period.

I've had very promising conversations with a handful of editors down there, and over the coming months you can expect to see me writing about city politics, criminal justice, and business issues on a freelance basis in the Crescent City.

Read the full article here. Discuss below.

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    Thats fine with me. I thought his publication straight from the outermost fringe of left-wing lunacy to be mostly in poor taste. (especially their crusade against Jennifer Aniston spreading the rumor that she eats hay directly from the bale and grass from a pasture when everyone knows she only eats oats from a feed bag) All joking aside the Mercury relies on manufactured facts and poor reasoning to try to make their mind numbing political opinions make sense. If all you read was the Mercury and all you watched was MSNBC then it might make more sense to you than it did to anyone else who took on the responsibility of knowing fact from fiction. Their advocacy for all things anti American and pro gays/abortion/ and every other social issue (often in the most graphic of terms) and their willingness to believe anything they felt advanced their limited agenda stopped them from ever being taken seriously. I did enjoy their auction (now that was funny) but was not thrilled with the direction they intended to send the proceeds. All I can say is wait until Louisiana gets a load of him... he will be back I assure you

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      Oh Cameron, "if all you read was the Mercury and all you watched was MSNBC", then you'd just be a left-wing version of the Fox/Limbaugh crowd.

      I don't think anybody, certainly not Matt Davis, would argue that the Portland Mercury should be your sole source for news.

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    Once again, the Portland Mercury is proving that they know how to find talented journalists - but they don't know how to keep them.

    (Or, more likely, they know exactly how to keep them, but can't afford it.)

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    I read it almost every week and I agree; I have read some well written articles and as you could probably tell I always enjoy reading the weekly recap at the front. I think it would take more than an exclusive diet of the Mercury and MSNBC to turn my head. I have pretty good BS detectors and strong and fully functioning moral compass.

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