Chuck Sheketoff: Perceptions and misperceptions about Oregon's business climate


One rule for offering constructive criticism says to sandwich the criticism with praise.

So, I'll begin by praising The Oregonian's editorial board for its Tuesday editorial "To the bitter end, Oregon keeps kicking." The analysis of why Oregon must scrap its destructive kicker law so that it can build an adequate rainy day fund as a hedge against tax volatility was dead on.

Sadly (we've left the praise stage), the same sort of critical analysis was absent from The Oregonian's Sunday editorial "After 66 & 67: The blowback." This piece essentially argued that the self-serving perceptions of unnamed corporate CEOs matter more than the realities of Oregon's business climate.

Read the full article here. Discuss below.

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    Two comments on the full article text:

    First, the perception among business owners IS what matters, not the actual business climate. In terms of unemployment, the most relevant measure, getting companies to site here in Oregon is entirely a function of the perception of the companies. Public relations, advertising, messaging, and promotion are essential parts of public policy.

    Second, I wouldn't say that very many business owners are saying this - and you have to differentiate between wealthy people who are essentially speculators not interested in investing their money in a productive way and people who actually have plans to implement business models that will create jobs. Family wage jobs.

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    Did you see the rabid reaction in the comments in Oregon Live?

    That new publisher, an Orange County refugee, is leading the knee-jerk "government-can-do-no-good" anti-tax crusade.

    Seems like Chuck is hanging it out all alone in Portland.

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