Bush environmentalist

Brendan Deiz


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    Your cartoon touches on one of the numerous and is truly sick ironies about this disaster that is the invasion and occupation of Iraq. Al Gore was CRAZY and a WHACKO for suggesting a $0.50 tax on gas to fund development of sustainable alternate energy development back when gas was under $2 a gallon and look at where we are today, now over $2.75 a gallon on average, no real commitment to fund alternate energy and the destruction of our military, another a nation, hundreds of thousands of lives all with no end of the disaster in sight.

    As always, your cartoon is pointedly on target and touches on some of the bigger picture ironies of where we have had our nation driven off-course, keep up the good work.

  • DJD (unverified)

    Excellent Brendan, keep up the good work!

  • Zarathustra (unverified)
    <h2>Does anyone know what TIME it is?</h2>

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