Random, Sunday-Night Thoughts

Jeff Alworth

In no particular order...

That is all.

  • johnnie (unverified)

    And if you were born in 1969 you have spent 70% of your life under a Republican Administration.

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    I'm not that far removed , at 38, from the first time 20 year old voters. This will be the first time, since I became an active voter at 18, that there will not be a Bush or a Clinton at 1600 Pennsylvania....

    PS: Congrats to the folks at DPO and the creative minds behind the fabulous " We The People" ad. Whodda thunk you'd get recognition from Fox News ?

  • mp97303 (unverified)

    "The Anchorage Daily News endorsed Obama. "

    How could you ever vote for someone if the people who know them best won't endorse them?

  • rw (unverified)


    Heard at the UN, "Please God let him win", of Obama. Hahahahaha.

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    It's worth noting, by contrast, that both Obama's home-town newspapers endorsed him, including the Trib, which has never, in its 161-year history, endorsed a Democrat. Palin may have had something to do with that endorsement, too. Said the editors: "But it's clear she is not prepared to step in at a moment's notice and serve as president. McCain put his campaign before his country."

  • Steve Bucknum (unverified)

    I was born in 1952. Starting with Eisenhower's election, 64.29% of the time we have had a Republicant President.

    So, I guess the 20 year olds were lucky to have had Clinton.

  • Ray Duray (unverified)

    According to the fly-by media Barack Obama was attended by over 100,000 adoring fans today in Denver. Compare that to the 3,000 who attended a McCain event there Friday (Look it up at Raw Story)

    My question is this:

    SHOULD THE McCAIN-PALIN-ES&S-Diebold-Sequoia Voting Systems team "prevail" on Tuesday, November 4, are you prepared to die in a riot on November 5 in order to save your country?

    “You've got to ask yourself one question: "'Do I feel lucky?' Well, do ya punk?”

    You just had your entire net worth stolen from you by Hank-y Panky Paulson and you've done nothing about it. You've been led into a series of wars all sparked by a dubiously explained sneak attack on 3,000 of your fellow citizens. Previously, you've voted for Corporate Party fraud perpetrated by the likes of Roberty Rubin and Bill Clinton.

    How much of this colonic ejecta are you willing to endure?

    NOVEMBER 5: If John McCain is declared a "winner", will you riot? What will your response be to utter fraud?

  • rw (unverified)

    Ray: you are positively pugilistic in your expressions. Can't say I do not have a matching level of emotion myself, and I know at least two others on this board who mask it well, express it otherwise, but could match you in that valence of enraged value.

    Occassionally you worry me. Such rage must in some way find expression beyond a keyboard. Let us hope that you take to the streets in a good way and prove yourself true. Perhaps you will see others of us out there, and set down the anger that so often feels turned inward, upon those here who seek the same goals as yourself.

  • Ray Duray (unverified)

    Rebecca Whetstine,

    Please review what you just wrote. It was a whole lot of nonsense indicating that you are implacably determined to be a wimp. And sadly that was the only and best response I got from the "progressives" here at Blue Oregon. I'd say the country is doomed.

    Here's someone who would probably agree with me:


    The utter uselessness of the Democratic Party followers and hangers-on is palpable. At least the Republican rabble is gathering 2nd Amendment tools in order to save themselves from the inevitable police state that America is rapidly becoming. The Left seems intent upon suicide for the sake of sating the criminal elites. Didn't the Jews try this naive niceness in Germany in the 1930s?


    Re: "Such rage must in some way find expression beyond a keyboard."

    Yes, my dear, it has. On the burning barricades after America's criminal assault on Cambodia. In the streets of Bend before George Bush's criminal assault on Baghdad. And today in many ways you'll never know.

  • rw (unverified)

    Bow down to Ray. He knows for sure that none of the rest of you or us have ever stood before a major city hall and shouted while the police horses muscled us back; he knows that you did not ever fight in a war or protest one with potential bodily harm; he knows that you never worked a food line or a soup kitchen. He's a better man woman child than ever goddamned last one of you. And he is doubly certain you never changed an old lady's diapers, held the hands of a gay man expiring from microbes eating his brain while hate slogans were shouted outside the hospice. No, my friends, Ray, whose certitude is a cancerous, sick thing, knows you have never done a brave thing, nor a deep thing in your lives. You are all born of dogs and shellfish, you think little, pay nothing for those thoughts, and what's more: you don't agree with his every raging vituperative spite.

    Shame on you BO posters. Sheepish, trolls you all. Ray knows what you have NOT EVER been doing.

    :)... feel better Ray? I don't. At this point I do wish you would go the heck away. You just strike me anymore as a nasty, angry, disrespectful man who does not even know who the fuck he's talking to.

    :)..... oy Ray. Take your meds. PLEASE.

  • rw (unverified)

    ... and now I owe the rest of you an apology. I am aware that I have devolved to epithet, and most of it not the entertaining variety I learned at my father's knee. An example: he used to amaze and delight me as a child by gritting out, "Raisin-brained C* S*r!" well within my hearing. That, and other fare informed my childish amaze as a very tender little girl.

    Anyway: I'm sorry. Each time I insert a base epithet, a common cuss-word, there is a hesitation, I DO wonder if I'm lowering the conversational bar and also offending anyone... then, dammit, I choose it in.

    A mentor once reached me thus: "Rebecca, you have such a fine vocabulary. Such foul language is the province of a man who cannot communicate, who is overcome and has nowhere to turn for expression. Such is not your problem. You have such a fine vocabulary and much to say. Use it!"

    So I'll try not to choose those words anymore. There runs a mighty charnel streak in my spirit. It is sister to Ray Duray's willful disrespect and casual objectifications of others. I'm as guilty as he.

    Within that objectification of others is objectification of self. And as Civiletti once said, "Until you can respect yourself, you cannot respect me."

    These Boards afford much opportunity to practice object relations empathy.

    ...but I still grow sick of Ray's bombast and assurance that only he is a true warrior for justice and cause.....

  • Bill R. (unverified)

    Stu Rothenberg's Report on the state of the election: http://rothenbergpoliticalreport.blogspot.com/

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    Hang in there Ray, rw, this thing will be over soon. Then we can take a week or two off and read a novel, see a movie, take a break.

  • rw (unverified)

    Jeff: why are such people so freaking nasty? We are ALL working in our respective dens of thought for the same longings. It requires the many to make the one. Is Ray Duray always this nasty, this sure that nobody but he ever put his body and life on the line? It's not so as long as I am on this board. And if I am on this board, surely there are many others. So I just do not understand this hectoring behaviour. Frankly, there is never a lack of disquiet in my chosen communities, but we do NOT attack in heedless incivility without being called up to correct and clean up! How are you/we here any better than the ones we 24/7 cast aspersions upon? Eh....

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    RW -- Sometimes the real weird hardcore comments are coming from righties who are having fun with us.

    And if it's not a rightie, then it's definitely somebody who needs to take his meds.

    Reminds me of the guy who told Markos that he and his wife shouldn't have had a baby "since he's going to die in the global famine that will destroy humanity when we run out of oil." Yeah, OK.

    Just ignore the trolls. Especially the apocalyptic ones.

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    Oh, and Jeff - another random political trivia note, passed along by my brother:

    The last time the Republicans won the White House without including a Bush or a Nixon on the ticket?

    1. Herbert Hoover.
  • rw (unverified)

    Kari: but he's so nasty, really nasty. Raging at people who are welcoming vets home to heal from having been horribly used... etc.

    He takes nasty shots at the people he pretends to be worried for and I'm a dork.

    I am a dork. And guilty of the same SHIT he pulls!


  • Jiang (unverified)

    If you fit the description, I don't know that you really feel too challenged to think, when one side is spreading gratuitously helpful images constantly!

  • rw (unverified)

    Jiang: could you try to be less stereotypically inscrutable? It might be nice to occassionally know if you are contributing or merely stirring.

    Yes, indeed, the "other side" provokes the tried and true emotions with "us", which some of "us" turn upon others of "us" for we all know we have little to say, truly, about the juggernaut process....

    Thank you for sharing another picture of Palin. She sure is a pretty woman.

  • Harry Kershner (unverified)

    Re: "colonic ejecta". Thanks for that, Ray. As Rummy told us, shit happens, and that about sums it up.

    There are some of us who are ready to volunteer for America: Volunteers

    Calm down, Rebecca. You and Ray have a lot in common. We have all been sold down the river by the corporate thugs who want more money for war and profiteering. People like Ray are not the enemy. People like the regressives who lead in the kleptothon that we're calling an election are the enemies.

  • rw (unverified)

    Harry: you and Ray are two of a kind? He's bashing every direction, and when I react, I'm the problem? Jesus save the world from perdition, eh.


  • RW (unverified)

    Ted Stevens just in - guilty on all seven counts. One more fraudster from the great state of Alaska: bites the dust.

    More surprises on the way?

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    The last time the Republicans won the White House without including a Bush or a Nixon on the ticket?

    1. Herbert Hoover.

    Holy. Crap.

  • RW (unverified)

    Please vet this:


    Feds disrupt skinhead plot to assassinate Obama. Is this real or is it on the same level as those ubiquitous alerts we used to receive periodically to keep our ears pinned back?

  • mp97303 (unverified)

    The plot seems to be real. Even Faux News is covering it.

  • riverat (unverified)

    I was born in 1952. Starting with Eisenhower's election, 64.29% of the time we have had a Republican President.

    Thanks for that Steve. I was born in '52 also so now I don't have to figure it out for myself :-). But I have to say that by today's R standards Ike would be run out of the party and Nixon might be pretty iffy too.

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    No one will see this because it's late, but for the record:

    Harry, the first album I ever bought was by the Jefferson Airplane's Surrealistic Pillow, a number of years after it came out, and I liked Volunteers at the time, and suppose I still do, musically.

    However, one of the songs on the album, "We Can Be Together," carries their revolutionary fantasism to the point of "Up against the wall, up against the wall, motherfuckers," i.e. fantasizing about executing class enemies in the revolutionary context. Ray will probably take this as evidence of my wimpiness, but I'm not down with that.

    Perhaps more to the point is that it was a fantasy. In Boston in the early 1970s Danny Schecter, whose radical journalism I respect, was the main news guy on the then radical WBCN, and he used to begin his newscasts with snippets from various songs invoking the work "revolution." Schecter like a lot of people believed their own propaganda. It was not really a revolutionary situation in the U.S. at the time, although it enough closer that you could have a commercial radio station that had a political perspective that you can only find on community radio like KBOO or Pacifica stations any more. The bravado of Schecter's revolutionary cultural expressions was related to the revolutionary voluntarist fantasies behind the Weatherman "Days of Rage" in Chicago in 1969.

    How much further we are from that is perhaps partly reflected in the fact that even you lend legitimacy to the political system by voting for a reformist candidate.

  • Harry Kershner (unverified)

    Even I "lend legitimacy to the political system by voting for a reformist candidate"?

    What is it then that you and your regressive compatriots are doing by supporting Obama? This is your revolutionary mass movement? What shameful hypocrisy!

    I choose Danny Schecter (MediaChannel.org) over you guys any day. Up against the wall.

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    When did I claim to be in a revolutionary mass movement?

    Revolutionary fantasies don't make a revolutionary situation.

    As I said, I respect Danny Schecter. But he was wrong in the 1970s that it was a revolutionary situation then and its further from one now.

    If your last comment is a threat, or even an expression of the extremity of your disdain for people who analyze situations differently from you, and the meaningfulness or otherwise of various political acts, thanks for clarifying just how extreme you are.

  • Harry Kershner (unverified)

    Chris: It's you who are a scary guy for trying to make my comments into a threat against you. I won't be responding to anything you have to say in the future. Good luck with your regressive "movement".

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    Fine with me Harry, but really, I genuinely don't understand what the point of your last sentence is.

  • RW (unverified)

    Oh Chris, he is probably referring wholistically to anything you say that is supportive of an Obama plank?

    It is mysterious - are you supporting flat taxes? Rather regressive of you, dear. Are you dunning on behalf of more money for the Wall Street Raiders and Greenspan who has broken my HEART? Regressive, maybe.

    Harry has a lot of rage. Understandable, I have much of my own. But sometimes he goes over a line that actually is toxic for those who have experienced what such rage is allowed to do in private life if it is in command.

    As someone said a week ago when Ray was behaving likewise: take a breath kids, it'll all be over soon. And then we can relax a little.

    <h2>BTW: you, TAB, Carla and Kristin need to ask Kari for a "fun" mail I sent back-channel for you. Should cause you to laugh a little before you go all serious again. Heh.</h2>

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