Senate votes to confirm Michael Simon to federal judgeship

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Senate votes to confirm Michael Simon to federal judgeship

By a vote of 64 to 35, the U.S. Senate has confirmed the appointment of Oregon attorney Michael Simon to the federal bench. He will become the 28th judge on the Oregon federal bench. He was originally nominated last year, and renominated by the President again this year.

From the Oregonian's Charlie Pope:

The Senate on Tuesday confirmed Portland lawyer Michael Simon to be Oregon's next federal judge, ending a journey that was both longer and bumpier than expected and one that lawmakers said highlighted the dysfunction gripping the nomination process.

Simon cleared the Senate on a 64 to 35 vote. The divided outcome on a nominee who was praised as a legal authority and highly qualified, reflected the slow and frustrating pace as well as the sharp partisan nature of nearly all confirmations.

Simon, who has his law degree from Harvard and spent time working for the Justice Department as well as a long association with the American Civil Liberties Union, had a long and distinguished career in private practice.

I believe that Simon is also the first to become a federal judge after commenting on BlueOregon. His son, Andrew, was a contributor here from 2004 to 2008. His wife is Senator Suzanne Bonamici (D-Beaverton).

Congratulations, Michael!

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    Nice. :)

    About damn time.

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    Lousy process, but great outcome. Congratulations, Michael!

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    alright!!! Congratulations to the whole Simon family.

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    Wonderful news! Congrats!

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    Good to hear! The Senate has become an utter disgrace in judicial confirmations, and the Senate Dems have totally wimped out in response. At this stage of his first term GWB had 140 plus to Obama's 80 plus confirmations. And the GOP was promoting the "crisis" and talking about how the filibuster should never be used for judicial confirmation. They were threatening to use the "nuclear option." Now they filibuster on nearly every confirmation. Harry Reid, Ron Wyden and company have just been rolling over and playing dead on this issue.

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    Bravo, Hooray, and Congratulations to Judge Michael Simon!

    Fun fact: I went to Birmingham High School in Van Nuys CA with Michael in the mid-70's, although we didn't really know each other. I suspect he was a hardworking, diligent student and therefore we ran in different circles.

    Go Braves! (Now known as the Patriots, stupid political correctness...)

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