Teachers union puts $50,000 into Kitzhaber campaign

Jeff Mapes, Oregonian:

Democrat John Kitzhaber picks up another $60,000 in union money while Republican Chris Dudley collects $25,000 from the timber industry.

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    Is this money a gift? or another interest free loan Kitzhaber is collecting like he did from Jerry Bidwell? I heard that loan was for closer to 10X that amount. Did Bidwell (who was then appointed to the Oregon Investment Council) make these types of loans to everyone or just John and Sharon? You guys fall all over yourselves outraged and dreaming up all sorts of Chris Dudley tax fraud conspiracies. When a documented incident of bribery and pay to get appointed pops up on the radar all the left does is run to their union owners and ask them to milk that cash cow a little harder.

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