SEIU launches ad campaign attacking Dudley

Jeff Mapes, Oregonian:

Service Employees International Union has launched an ad attacking Republican Chris Dudley in the race for governor.

Read the full article here. Discuss below.

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    Good Ad, frontal attack on corporate trickle down economics and the budget cuts that will result.

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    Bill correct me if I am wrong but weren't you one of the people complaining about the Supreme Courts decision on corporate person hood? And wasn't everyone's main objection to this decision (among others) was this belief that foreign corporations would effect the outcome of our elections etc. Do you not see the hypocrisy in that belief and standing on the sidelines while a labor union cranks up it's engines to try to buy another election in this state?

    Have any of you ever stopped and asked yourselves why in the world government employees would need to unionize in the first place? To protect themselves from the government? they are the government! As long as we allow unions of any stripe to buy this states politicians and elections were are always going to be on a slow spiral into the sewer. What part of this ongoing corruption am I missing?

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    I give the unions credit for being up front about who is sponsoring the ads. Instead of hiding behind a slick, psuedonym that someone manufactured in a focus group.

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