T.A. Barnhart

T.A. Barnhart is a native Oregonian and life-long resident of the West. He is a veteran, but very glad he got to serve during the Carter Peace Epoch. He has been involved in politics sporadically, from the nuclear freeze movement in the 80s to volunteering on various campaigns in the 90s. As a student at PSU & UO, he was involved in campus politics, working on child care and family housing issues. In 2003, he helped form Linn-Benton for Dean; he remains a hardcore deanista. He worked extensively on the Benton County Kerry campaign, organizing and leading the canvas, running the website, and doing enough to take that loss very much to heart. His kids are now grown, but he's still working to ensure they have a good, happy future. He loves music, literature, the American West, salmon, Italian cheese, and the Los Angeles Dodgers.

December 24, 2005Christmas: It is a wonderful life
December 20, 2005Smith & Wyden: Calling the differences
December 05, 2005The BCS still sucks
December 02, 2005Democracy in action: Gelser sworn in
November 29, 2005Gelser named to vacant HD 16 seat
November 21, 2005BC Dems: Nothing to apologize for
November 11, 2005Ron Wyden, Freedom's Champion
November 09, 2005"The good news is, she'll be gone by the 15th"
November 08, 2005A Brief Lesson on ANWR for Gordon Smith
November 02, 2005Campaign 2006: Game On!
October 27, 2005KATU reporter questioned in Wirth mess
October 19, 2005Education is the goal; Money is just a means
October 17, 2005Pathetic, Shameful: Oregon School Funding
October 13, 2005Georgie-porgy kissed the girls?
October 04, 2005What the hell is wrong with Peter Courtney?
September 23, 2005O say can you see ... what's wrong with us?
September 19, 2005Our own Katrina
September 13, 2005Bush: Not "toast" yet
September 03, 20052,500 Miles Away From Hell
August 28, 2005Christian Exodus (and you thought I was over-reacting)
August 25, 2005My Life as a Media Star
August 17, 2005An Open Letter to Sen. Gordon Smith
August 14, 2005The Religous Right's Coming Civil War?
August 10, 2005The Democratic primary challenge in HD 16
August 04, 2005Hot enough for you, Gov?
July 31, 2005"All politics is personal."
July 25, 20053-part Exchange via the Corvallis Gazette-Times
July 20, 2005An Almost Perfect Evening
June 28, 2005Off-year
June 16, 2005Politics is that simple
June 08, 2005A Good Night to Come to School
June 01, 2005Smart Cookie

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