Reminder: Netroots Night at the DPO

Kari Chisholm FacebookTwitterWebsite

As we told ya over the weekend, this Wednesday has been designated Netroots Night at the DPO. The Oregon progressive blog community (contributors and commenters) are going to be getting together at the DPO to make a few phone calls to get out the vote.

If you've never made GOTV calls before, let me tell ya -- it's a lot of fun. At this point, we're calling friendly folks who've been previously ID'd as Democratic voters. Come on down. I'll be there making phone calls right there with you.

Netroots Night: Wednesday from 5 to 9 p.m. at 232 NE 9th Avenue, Portland If you can, call the Multnomah County Dems at 503-239-8646 and let 'em know you're coming. (Of course, if you just show up - no one is going to turn you away!)

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