Save the Rich!

Chuck Sheketoff

Dtm_logoCheck out the website that is

dedicated to documenting efforts by Fox News Network, their media personalities and a handful of conservative millionaires to deceive the press and the American public with these so-called "Tax Day Tea Parties."

We've created this space as a clearinghouse of information to expose the truth behind the Tea Party Tantrums being held around the country. We're tracking the events state-by-state; if you can join us, register and send us a note!

Isn't is it ironic that the anti-public spending folks are holding their rally in Salem on property maintained with our tax dollars?

And don't miss the MSNBC story on the tea parties:

Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy

  • BOHICA (unverified)

    What is really ironic is that these so called "Teabaggers" are actually the Teapot, if you get my meaning. Gives new meaning to "Eat the rich".

  • Richard (unverified)

    "the truth behind the Tea Party Tantrums"

    Yeah that's where one should go to get the truth, along with MSNBC, BlueOregon and OCPP.

  • Nobody Important (unverified)

    When this kind of thing is going on:

    Obama Tilts to CIA on Memo

    ACLU: Obama Administration may destroy torture evidence

    Blue Oregon writers continue to rub their navels, unable to do anything more than vicariously replaying irrelevant Republicans vs Democrats vs everybody-else grade school yard taunting.

    And by the way, the whole "teabag" thing has become the proverbial "tempest in a teapot", and equally pathetic grade school antics:

    Libertarians say Republicans have hijacked tea party movement

  • StephanAndrewBrodheadForCongress (unverified)

    I would never have thought that a Tea party that seeks to maintain lower taxes for everyone would be considered Un-American. You discust me!

  • StephanAndrewBrodheadForCongress (unverified)


  • StephanAndrewBrodheadForCongress (unverified)

    So the rich have to pay for this also?

  • StephanAndrewBrodheadForCongress (unverified)

  • joel dan walls (unverified)

    Yo Brodhead, I see you don't mind availing yourself, at no cost, of this blog. Kind of seems out of whack with your alleged pay-as-you-go approach. I think you need to send Kari Chisholm a donation every time you post. Actually, better not call it a donation. Call it a FEE. Fee-for-service. Isn't that the principle around which you allegedly order your life?

  • (Show?)

    I would never have thought that a Tea party that seeks to maintain lower taxes for everyone would be considered Un-American.

    Silly boy, you think this is actually about taxes? ROFL - I suppose that explains the cardboard sign reading:

    Speak for yourself Obama We are a Christian Nation

    Did I miss the IRS adding a special tax just for TheoConservatives?

    Stephen, if I honestly believed that you could think your way out of a wet paper bag then I might be inclined to lend your claimed "disgust" a wee tiny bit of weight.

  • StephanAndrewBrodheadForCongress (unverified)

    Yo Brodhead, I see you don't mind availing yourself, at no cost, of this blog. Kind of seems out of whack with your alleged pay-as-you-go approach. I think you need to send Kari Chisholm a donation every time you post. Actually, better not call it a donation. Call it a FEE. Fee-for-service. Isn't that the principle around which you allegedly order your life?

    Fee for service? I spent 20 years working for minimum wage and fighting for your rights and freedoms. I do not understand fee for service? Doesnt Blue Oregon get their money from ACORN?

    If opposing views are so objectionable than perhaps I should leave you to your Tax and spend, wholesale amnesty, and workers of the world unite positions, and go about my merry way. There are plenty of low caliber bloggs I can hit. But maybe its just a waste of time! In fact it is a waste of time. I will be over at Jeff Mapes blog for awhile then. Enjoy!

    Remember to save all my posts for later "out of context sound bites" etc.

    Thanks for spelling my name right!

    Ya your right! I need to quite blogging and go outside. Plus I have to replace a exhaust manifold gasket on my wifes Truck!

    Thanks Kevin for the update!

    seeya and thanks for the intervention! I need to put this computer down and go outside!

  • mp97303 (unverified)


    Where do you go for your "truth"

  • Pedro (unverified)

    These "tea parties" are pretty funny. KATU actually covered the small counter demonstration in Salem. The reporter asked the "tea bag" protesters to name which programs they would cut. All three "tea baggers" asked didn't have an answer.

    Thanks Faux, thanks Armey!

  • Levi Hamlett (unverified)

    The protesters then were just morons, unaware of the point of the protests. Here's a short list of shit that I sure as hell don't want to pay for, at least in their present situation.

    IRS USFS (Hell, the entire USDA) Dept of Education Dept of Labor The electoral college

    Land management, education, and work-related issues should be state jurisdiction.

    The FCC. Mostly IMO is a violation of the first amendment, except in matters of national security.

    The DEA. The money spent on fighting drugs could instead be reversed to an income by taxing the drugs that people are generally going to end up doing anyway. Besides, I'd rather a rapist/murderer/pederast be in jail than a weed or coke dealer.

    Also, no reason the FBI, CIA, and NSA couldn't be merged somehow. Might minimize misinformation in the future, as well as save American tax dollars.

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