932 Active Hate Groups in the United States - 10 are in Oregon

Paulie Brading

Difficult economic times, immigration fears, and a black president has caused a resurgence of the antigovernment militia movement and membership in hate groups. The militia groups are growing along side of the 10 hate groups in Oregon identified by the Southern Poverty Center. Most of the groups are located in the Portland area. SPC listed the following groups:

Phony constitutionalists, conspiracy theorists and deeply dark hate filled blogs make it much easier to exploit the fear of "other"....the black other, the brown other, the disabled other, the yellow other, the gay other, the female other, the Jewish other..they are not pure, they were not born in the United States. It's all right to leave out salvery in the celebration of Confederate History Month in Virginia. It's all right to fling words on signs at Tea Parties that call for our president's death.

Anti-government groups share a bit of group psychopathy. The definition of psychopathy is a disorder characterized by an abnormal lack of empathy. So what if 32 million Americans have no health care. So what if children sit in a classroom with an ear infection or in dental pain; who cares about leveling the playing field so all children sitting in that room are healthy and ready to learn. So what if I spit on you Congressman John Lewis. Bloody Sunday didn't really happen just like the Holocaust didn't really happen during WW II. 

It is stunning to observe the radical right infiltrate a major political party, run it's own candidates and resort to sarcasam rather than informed rhetoric to score points. It ok to talk like a snotty 8th grader because "I'm not a maverick" John McCain selected me to be his running mate. 

Seven and 1/2 months until the 2010 midterm elections. What happened to live and let live?

  • (Show?)

    What! Volksfront isn't a club of Volkswagen enthusiasts?

  • blackandblue (unverified)

    Last I heard, Live and Let Live was a Kentucky Derby horse.

  • (Show?)

    The press has done a terrible job in exposing these groups and tying their growth to the excesses on Fox, the Republican leadership, Rush, Beck, Savage, etc. It is not that they wouldn't exist without hate radio and the constant Fox lies, but I am know that the hate groups have grown substantially since Obama got elected and I believe that hate radio/tv can stand up and take the credit.

    My question is how both Fox and the rest of the press will respond when the inevitable replay of the Oklahoma City bombing takes place.

  • Scott in Damascus (unverified)

    A lot of angry white guys in that group.

    Not too many Muslims though.

  • Got Me (unverified)

    Is this another parody? I fail to see the humor. Dang you Novick, I am so confused!

  • Bill Bodden (unverified)

    And then there were the hate groups in the U.S. Capitol and the White House who waged illegal wars on Iraq, Afghanistan and other unfortunate places over many years. Among the members of these hate groups were politicians elected by "nice" Oregonians, including some current members, who endorsed the slaughter of old men, women and children and other crimes against humanity in Gaza and South Lebanon.

  • republicanblack (unverified)

    I am not one to say that all tea party members are racist or anti-government, but to also say there are no racists or just a tiny few is a complete and utter lie. I mean I don't recall Martin Luther King marching with people in the crowds carrying signs that are even close to what I have seen at Tea Party protests....and to be truthful blacks had more of a reason because they didn't have equal rights. I like Sarah Palin but she has to distance herself from this crowd check the story here:


  • Kurt Chapman (unverified)

    Please add the Westboro Baptist Church to your list Paulie.

    I checked the listed groups and agree that they appear to be hate based supremists.

    However, isn't it a leap of faith (or perhaps bad faith) to then tie these hate groups to the Tea Party Movement? I think that your tie is tenuous at best.

    Hate is hate and when espoused in the manner your listed groups and the one I added is unacceptable. real disagreement and discourse is not only not hate, it is what our freedoms of speech and assembly are supposed to be about.

    To be clear, I denouce hate groups. I find it convenient that progressives who are otherwise fairly sane try to tie ultra hate groups such as those listed to other groups that are voicing their discontent with current federal policies and practices.

  • Scott in Damascus (unverified)

    "I find it convenient that progressives who are otherwise fairly sane try to tie ultra hate groups such as those listed to other groups that are voicing their discontent ..."

    From their own website: "Rev. Ted Pike is director of the National Prayer Network, a Christian/conservative organization."

    Yup, nothing to see here people. Just move along.

    p.s. They have one thing in common with the teabaggers - spelling issues. They refer to their homebase as "Clackemas" numerous times.

  • Rulial (unverified)

    Kurt, the WBC is on the Southern Poverty Law Center's list of hate groups, but WBC is based in Kansas, not Oregon.

    Here's the SPLC's report on Fred Phelps.

    By the way, the history of the Pacifica Forum in Eugene is pretty sad. It appears to have started as a general-purpose left-leaning forum, but got hijacked by anti-Semites at some point.

    SPLC report on the Pacifica Forum

    Although the UO administration and faculty have repeatedly denounced the Pacifica Forum, the UO can't kick the Pacifica Forum off their property completely because it's sponsored by a retired professor.

  • Rulial (unverified)

    Scott, maybe you should read what the SPLC has to say about National Prayer Network:

    Another National Prayer Network article posted last week stated that the bill would protect pedophiles because, “especially within the homosexual community [they] are an increasingly powerful political force.” Lest anyone wonder who’s responsible for the legislation, Pike on his website blames “Jewish supremacists” who are trying to corrupt Christian nations so they can rule the world from Jerusalem. Pike’s articles have been posted widely on hate sites, including Davidduke.com and Stormfront.org, the leading white supremacist Web forum.

    Or what the Anti-Defamation League has to say about them:

    Ted Pike, the national director of the Oregon-based National Prayer Network, has for years engaged in an anti-Semitic campaign that denigrates the Jewish religion, as well as what he perceives as Jewish-controlled organizations and leaders. Through a series of Web-based articles, Internet radio interviews, videotapes, and books, Pike constantly claims Jewish control over the government and media and asserts Jewish hatred of Christians and the alleged desire of "evil" Jewish leaders and organizations to control what Christian Americans do and say.

  • JD Green (unverified)

    What? Paul, no mention of the Anarchists that routinely protest in Portland? How come this hate group didn't make your list? Too close to your own left-wing politics?


    We smashed your 'community corrections' center. We smashed it to send a message. Our message is that all cops are murderers and all prison is torture.

  • Rulial (unverified)

    JD Green, maybe you should read the original post more carefully. The list was compiled by the Southern Poverty Law Center, not Paulie. It's a bit much to expect such a list to be exhaustive.

    I agree that these anti-police statements you linked to are hateful, deplorable, and to be denounced. In addition, they are unconstructive--I don't think it's at all reasonable to expect such asinine rhetoric to lead to any of the desired reforms.

  • coa (unverified)

    Bodden is the only one who has it right. Paulie, with these kind of posts, while you don't damn the likes of Wyden, Merkley, Blumenauer, Wu, DeFazio, Schrader, and state Democrats who sit mute in the face of this:

    Civilian Killings in Afghanistan: A Pattern of Brutality, Denial, Outrage and Violence http://seminal.firedoglake.com/diary/40539

    and of course this:

    Collateral Murder http://www.collateralmurder.com/

    you actually are part of the evil that you so hypocritically condemn. How many of those political leaders you shill for did you call today and damn for their silence in the wake of Gate's comment:

    Defense Secretary Robert Gates acknowledged on Sunday that leaked video showing the 2007 killing by U.S. Army personnel of a gathering of civilians in Iraq is "unfortunate" and "painful to see." But he did not think it would have a long-term affect on U.S. operations in that country.

    this past weekend? How many did you tell that unless they publicly denounced Gates and Obama for not only defending these actions, but expanding the war in Afghanistan, and committing to a continued presence in Iraq, you would not give another cent to their campaigns and would actively work against their re-election?

  • Steve (unverified)

    Hey you forgot ACORN and that SEIU guy that shoved the African-American at the rally in St Louis.

  • Steve (unverified)

    "It's all right to leave out salvery in the celebration of Confederate History Month in Virginia."

    It's also OK to forget Robert Byrd was a KKK member.

  • coa (unverified)

    And Paulie, do you stand with the right wing haters condemning Berkeley students in the "Boycott, Divest, Sanctions" and the Berkeley student government:

    Berkeley Taking Sides in Mid-East, Violating Student Rights

    And do you stand with Desmond Tutu and the students, or against them?

    Desmond Tutu: Thank You UC Berkeley Students!

    When will we be seeing your post here calling on Oregon college students and Democrats in Salem to support the BDS effort?

  • richard (unverified)

    You forgot the OEA

    Oregon Teacher


  • coa (unverified)

    Steve, crawl back in the dung pile where ignorant right-wing maggots like you thrive. Byrd's own words of shame:

    A Senator's Shame

    My only explanation for the entire episode is that I was sorely afflicted with tunnel vision -- a jejune and immature outlook -- seeing only what I wanted to see because I thought the Klan could provide an outlet for my talents and ambitions

    Something a little different then we are seeing from the right-wing (and some left-wing) trash who are similarly affected today.

  • Bill Bodden (unverified)

    How many unarmed Palestinians were slaughtered by our allies in the right wing of Israeli politics during the 22 days of Operation Cast Lead using American-made weapons? A little over 1,400.

    How many people did those 932 hate groups kill in the last year? Repugnant and offensive as they may be, their crimes are minimal compared against the prevailing militarism of the West and our ally, Israel?

  • Steve (unverified)

    "I thought the Klan could provide an outlet for my talents and ambitions"

    Read further, the Klan encouraged young Robert Byrd to go into politics.

    More quotes:

    "Nor does he make any mention of a particularly incendiary letter he wrote in 1945 complaining about efforts to integrate the military."

    Gee and to think we booted Trent Lott 'cause he said happy birthday to Strom Thurmond. I guess being a Democrat glosses over a lot of sins.

  • Steve (unverified)

    "How many unarmed Palestinians were slaughtered by our allies in the right wing of Israeli politics during the 22 days of Operation Cast Lead using American-made weapons?"

    Let's not forget all the Fatah activities bombing Israelis that conveniently ended with the passing of Yassir Arafat, Nobel Peace prize winner.

  • Steve (unverified)

    "It's all right to fling words on signs at Tea Parties that call for our president's death."

    These idiotic attacks on Presidents didn't start with Mr Obama, Bush had a lot of vitriol thrown at him also (cf. "Death of a President" movie), even before Tea Partiers came into existence.

    Shouln't we condemn all extremism from either end of the spectrum?

  • Anonymous (unverified)

    If it's a list of racist groups, where is La Raza? Such disrespect for the Latino community! Why don't our racists get listed?

  • Richard Keefe (unverified)

    Oddly enough, the SPLC has been claiming that the number of "hate groups" in America has been increasing about 6% a year, since 2000, (Even though there is no legal definition of "hate group"). (http://wp.me/pCLYZ-K)

    The SPLC also claims that the bad economy and a black president will lead to a huge spike in the number of "hate groups".

    And yet, for 2009, the first full year of the Obama Administration, and by far the worst year of the current recession, the SPLC only reports an increase of 6 "hate groups," or about six-tenths of one percent, the LOWEST alleged increase in decades, according to the SPLC's own numbers.

    So which IS it? Has the number of "hate groups" increased dramatically since President Obama took office, as the SPLC claims, or has it increased by the LOWEST number in decades, as the SPLC claims?

    They can't have it both ways... unless, of course, they're just trying to scare the donors out of a few million more donor-dollars..

    Equally disturbing is the fact that NOT ONE of the SPLC's top ten, highest paid executives is a minority. (http://wp.me/pCLYZ-3r)

    The last remaining "Whites Only" sign in Montgomery hangs in the boardroom of the SPLC. Some "experts."

    Incidentally, last year, the worst year of the recession, the SPLC still managed to deposit $4 million donor-dollars into its already bloated $189 million donor-dollar "Endowment Fund." Some "non-profit".

  • coa (unverified)

    steve, although the construction and content of this confirms you are mentally and morally challenged, (your following, gratuitous, throwaway comment only spotlights your limitations), why don't you explain to us more fully exactly what your point is in writing this:

    "How many unarmed Palestinians were slaughtered by our allies in the right wing of Israeli politics during the 22 days of Operation Cast Lead using American-made weapons?" Let's not forget all the Fatah activities bombing Israelis that conveniently ended with the passing of Yassir Arafat, Nobel Peace prize winner.
  • Buckman Res (unverified)

    ”So which IS it? Has the number of "hate groups" increased dramatically since President Obama took office, as the SPLC claims, or has it increased by the LOWEST number in decades, as the SPLC claims?”

    It should be clear to even the most naive out there that “hate group”, in this context, is a term loosely applied to anyone who doesn’t adhere to Democrat Party ideology. By the same token “hate radio” is a term used to denigrate and smear conservative talk-show hosts whose arguments and ideas cannot be refuted through normal methods of debate and discourse.

    Can’t challenge your opponent in the intellectual arena? Label them a racist hater whose ideas don’t deserve consideration. Works a large percentage of the time.

  • Rudy Van Pelt (unverified)

    Thank you to Richard Keefe for his comments. So far he's about the only commenter who makes any sense of this issue.

    It's clear that there are plenty of "hate groups" on both sides of the political spectrum, especially when the organization preparing the list does not bother to define exactly what a "hate group" is. Makes it rather convenient to trash one's political opponents.

    Unfortunately, in today's media driven political climate, groups that get noticed do so because of their extreme views. That goes equally for far-right and far-left groups.

  • Jake Leander (unverified)

    It's clear that there are plenty of "hate groups" on both sides of the political spectrum....

    No, it is not clear.

  • Joe Hill (unverified)

    Rudy van Pelt, [sic] "It's clear that there are plenty of "hate groups" on both sides of the political spectrum,"

    There you go again with the wildly false equivalence. No, the fascist right is in a league of its own here, not only now, but also in history. Don't get me started.

  • Bill Bodden (unverified)

    "Let's not forget all the Fatah activities bombing Israelis that conveniently ended with the passing of Yassir Arafat, Nobel Peace prize winner."

    Steve: You won't get an argument on this from me. After Operation Cast Lead the U.N.-appointed Goldstone committee found both the Israelis and Hamas guilty of war crimes. My point above was to focus on our own bigger sins and clean them up before we go after others. The right wing of the Israeli power structure is our client - Not Hamas or Arafat. Hamas, in fact, was partly created by Israeli right-wingers.

    As for the Southern Poverty Law Center, they are a mixed bag so one possible reason for this latest report is to raise funds. King of the Hate Business Harper's magazine also had a highly critical article about the SPLC a few years ago.

  • Jake Leander (unverified)

    Bill Bodden wrote:

    As for the Southern Poverty Law Center, they are a mixed bag....

    I agree.

  • (Show?)

    Ten hate groups? The old calculator sez we are entitled to 18.64 hate groups if you go by number of states. Maybe there's parity to be found in the number of pine trees or something.

    And yeah, nobody's going to fill cable time interviewing a watchdog that keeps barking that everything's cool. Still, there's no parity.

    I'm reminded that the constant harping on equivalency from right wing self justifiers, usually devolves to violent episodes by a handful of lefties back in the late '60s. Do you remember how that was handled by the Powers-That-Be?

    SLA- set the house on fire and kill'em as they try to crawl away.

    Panthers-No constitutional justification for open carry by people who are darker than pink.

    SDS-sudden onset of cocaine and heroin busts at key headquarters locations.

    Students in general- Kent State

    Enviro-terror-long prison sentences


    This nation is pretty clear about how we'll deal with the Left, but not quite so rigid when it comes to having coffee with your Glock, or threatening to assassinate elected officials

  • Jake Leander (unverified)

    Come on, Pat. It's not fair bringing up 40 year old history - unless Glenn Beck mentions it on TV.

  • (Show?)

    Not quite where I am Jake.

    What I'm saying is that when the Searchers for Parity-of-Misbehavior allege lefty violence, they usually have to travel that far into history (and they do) to find something that sounds like parity to them.

  • Bob Tiernan (unverified)

    Paulie Brading:

    What happened to live and let live?

    Bob T:

    I hope you're not implying that people like Barack Obama are all about "live and let live".

    Bob Tiernan Portland

  • Bill Bodden (unverified)

    "Paulie Brading:

    "What happened to live and let live? "Bob T:

    "I hope you're not implying that people like Barack Obama are all about "live and let live"."

    It's not often we agree, Bob, but I'm with you on this. In case Paulie and others don't know, Obama has escalated the illegal war in Afghanistan and has authorized the assassination of SUSPECTED terrorists, including American citizens. No Miranda rights. No habeas corpus. No trial. And he studied constitutional law?

  • Alisa Anderson (unverified)

    As much as I detest hate groups and their passive-aggressive ways (and one is one too many in Oregon), my semi-perverse take on the numbers is that it's not too bad. That's how many Americans? Less than the number in Little Rock or Boston protesting in the 1950s?

    How about contemporary comparisons with the EU? Vlaamsblok in Belgium and Jean-Marie Le Pen in France, get sizable chunks of votes and they are definitely full fledged hate groups, as well as political parties.

    It also shows you can always reach out. Re: Le Pen, Anyone that thinks that Thierrey Henry is a walking toxin can't be all bad!

  • Steve Marx (unverified)

    why don't you explain to us more fully exactly what your point is in writing this:

    "How many unarmed Palestinians were slaughtered by our allies in the right wing of Israeli politics during the 22 days of Operation Cast Lead using American-made weapons?" Let's not forget all the Fatah activities bombing Israelis that conveniently ended with the passing of Yassir Arafat, Nobel Peace prize winner. With pleasure – Mr Arafat systematically looted the Palestinian people. I believe his wife is very nicely ensconced in a chateau near Paris and refused to give up a very large fortune to the PLO. During this period almost daily terrorist attacks upon Israel occurred. During his life, these attacks continued, he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize and Hilary Clinton embraced him and his wife physically. After his death, the attacks abated to a mere fraction, yet we still choose to slight Israel who is probably one of the US’ strongest allies in the world (witness Pres Obama’s reception of Netanyahu). I am not denying that the current Israeli regime has pushed hard on the Palestinian people – who are the victim in all of this. Unfortunately, I think the unarmed Palestinians are victims from both sides, their leadership (which is morally challenged at best) and responses from Israel in reaction to Palestinian leadership aggression.

    The purpose of this was to place in context another throwaway line about how Israel is the aggressor in all of this.

    Of course, what this has to do with hate speech in the US – I don’t know. My desire for an equal voice drove me to make it.

    IN all, I thikn Mr Bodden and I are on the same page, there's enough hatred in teh Middle East to go around.

  • Steve Marx (unverified)

    "What I'm saying is that when the Searchers for Parity-of-Misbehavior allege lefty violence, they usually have to travel that far into history (and they do) to find something that sounds like parity to them."

    Not quite - Tell me what Andy Stern (of the SEIU)meant when he implied "persuasion of power" vis-a-vis SEIU's reaction to Tea Partiers?

  • Bill Bodden (unverified)

    "Of course, what this has to do with hate speech in the US – I don’t know."

    This goes back to my original point. An issue was made about a relatively small number of people in hate groups that, though odious and reprehensible, are largely ineffectual when we should be talking about other versions of hate groups supported by American taxpayers, groups that hate ordinary, innocent people who are of no consequence to them and are considered expendable.

    How many people have been killed, maimed and made refugees by these 932 hate groups? How many people have been killed, maimed and made refugees by the policies and efforts of the neocons, the military-industrial-mercenary complex and their accomplices in Congress, both Republicans and Democrats?

    The essence of this post has been to focus on a red herring, admittedly a smelly one, while ignoring the many grotesque and immoral acts of barbarism carried out in our name.

    "Kill - nuke - bomb, bomb, bomb - the ragheads, Iraqis, Iranians, Afghanis, Taliban, Palestinians, Jews, anyone suspected with little, if any, proof of being anti-American or other form of terrorist." That's also hate speech.

    Terrorists Shooting in the Dark

  • coa (unverified)

    Steve Marx - We may be on the same page too, with respect to the Mideast conflict. I would only note that the Goldstone Report made it clear there is no moral equivalence between the actions of the IDF as the military arm of the State of Israel and the actions of Hamas, which in any event you too have noted are not the Palestinian people.

    The subsequent morally reprehensible campaign by Democrats even more than Republicans to attack and bury the Goldstone Report and it's indisputable findings that Israel is a State actor that committed grave war crimes makes attempts to juxtapose Israeli actions against Hamas very morally problematic.

  • Bob Tiernan (unverified)

    Bill Bodden:

    It's not often we agree, Bob, but I'm with you on this. In case Paulie and others don't know, Obama has escalated the illegal war in Afghanistan and has authorized the assassination of SUSPECTED terrorists, including American citizens. No Miranda rights. No habeas corpus. No trial. And he studied constitutional law?

    Bob T:

    Well, that's one thing. But my main point is that Obama's philosophy for domestic policies is hardly live and let live.

    Bob Tiernan Portland

  • Alisa Anderson (unverified)

    Hypocrisy in the selections? Not at all, dear readers. You forgot to factor in (a moment of silence and genuflect please) commercial considerations! It's only a "hate group" if they're not making a bundle. If they are, and if they're publicly traded, they're highly to be admired.

    Case in point: Video games. My 14 year old brother can buy racist games taht would make Tim McVey blush, at the corner strip mall. The US military actively recruits the afficiandos of electronic hate mongering. Then we declare bogus rules of engagment and have them take pot shots at the real thing (and a number of innocent bystanders). End SPEACH? Now go write the check that actually FUNDS the aforementioned where they don't just talk, they shoot civilians, no process rights, no penalities. Oh, and please give them a job when they return and tell the person of conscience to go to the back of the line. A LOT of the military are right wing Christians (read: racist bigot) and you are paying them to actually do these things. Yeah, that talk does a lot of harm. Inflames your guilt which must just sear.

    Remove the plank from your own eye.

    The only difference between sending a check to the Aryan Nations and the IRS is that the Aryan Nations won't come after you if you don't.

  • (Show?)

    Steve Marx. Come back when you have something more than ambiguous quotes from the heads of organizations that you dislike.

    Get real.

  • The Truth Bean (unverified)

    "What happened to live and let live?" It never existed, Slavery destroyed this country and still does. The personal income tax btw is just an extension of slavery. When we tax someones earnings from their work and not just consumption we make the tax unavoidable this is taking away personal ownership of one's labor and if you don't own your labor you don't own yourself its that simple. Like slavery it is a collective power that no individual has the right to impose upon another. Furthermore, it inhibits freedom because it is a super powerful form of coercion. Freedom from coercion and fraud are hallmarks of freedom, not socialism which is enslaving one group to benefit another. Interestingly enough the socialist or progressives don't realize the income tax is only paid by the poorest Americans, just as Social security and medicare. Those making over 100k pay tend to pay gains taxes and such they do not as often exchange time for money like the working poor. Funny how Socialist are the enemy of the working poor.

  • Bill Bodden (unverified)

    "Bob T:

    Well, that's one thing. But my main point is that Obama's philosophy for domestic policies is hardly live and let live. "

    Again, Bob, I agree with you. And we are at risk of things becoming worse. Obama's choice for replacing Justice Stevens on the supreme (?) court will say a lot.

    "It never existed, Slavery destroyed this country and still does. The personal income tax btw is just an extension of slavery."

    Truth Bean: You're making a lot of statements that are poorly thought through. It is unfortunate that we are forced to pay taxes for things we don't believe in - pursuit of empire, etc. - but some taxes are essential. If you eliminate taxes, personal or otherwise, how would you suggest we pay for schools and police and fire departments?

    As for your comments about socialism, you appear to have this confused with fascism - a common error of the Tea Party gang and the hate radio/Faux Noise audience.

  • Terry Parker (unverified)

    If socialist mindset groups and organizations are counted in the mix, the Portland City Council ought to be counted among them. From the smell of slop buckets to using sewer dollars to pay for infrastructure for freeloading bicyclists, their obvious desire is to control every aspect of the daily lives of Portlanders. That control mindset is further exemplified in the Portland Plan where the chief initiator, Mayor Adams, aims to direct where people can live and in what kind of housing, how people move about and even what people should eat. Citizen advisory committees, boards and commissions are becoming stacked decks loaded up with only the Mayor’s vetted cronies. All this aspiration to control the activities of the people is socialism in its most basic form.

  • LiberalIncarnate (unverified)

    -Coa: "you actually are part of the evil that you so hypocritically condemn."

    I think that this statement is uncalled for in its entirety. The Sins of the Father DO NOT apply here. Would you say that an American tourist abroad deserves death at the hands of a terrorist just because of the way their government votes??

    Paule listed hate groups based on a website, not her own opinion. If you don't like the list, make up your own! I get truly tired of liberal attacking liberals. What a bunch of immature uneducated dickheads.

  • Bob Tiernan (unverified)

    Bill Bodden:

    And we are at risk of things becoming worse. Obama's choice for replacing Justice Stevens on the supreme (?) court will say a lot.

    Bob T:

    And good riddance to Stevens who had no problem with: a) people having their property taken by the government-corporate complex so that it could be given to corporations or developers, and b) police using heat sensors on residences as a way to bypass the need for a search warrant.

    Bob Tiernan Portland

  • Bill Bodden (unverified)

    "Would you say that an American tourist abroad deserves death at the hands of a terrorist just because of the way their government votes?? "

    Of course not, but that is just one version of blowback. Check out Chalmers Johnson's trilogy on the topic. Try an Internet search for "chalmers johnson blowback."

    Similarly, I don't believe that the men and women in our armed forces deserved to be killed or maimed physically or psychologically for obeying the orders of their commanders-in-chief who sent them off to illegal wars in Iraq and Afghanistan with the support of majorities in Congress and the American public. The same goes for the Iraqis and Afghans, not that many Americans give much of a damn about them.

  • Bill Bodden (unverified)

    "I get truly tired of liberal attacking liberals."

    Given the varied meanings attached to "liberal" it might be more accurate to say "liberals" are attacking "neoliberals."

  • Lord Beaverbrook (unverified)

    Posted by: Pat Ryan | Apr 14, 2010 7:33:50 AM

    Steve Marx. Come back when you have something more than ambiguous quotes from the heads of organizations that you dislike.

    Get real.

    That goes double for Terry goddamned Parker!

  • Bill Bodden (unverified)

    "Given the varied meanings attached to "liberal" it might be more accurate to say "liberals" are attacking "neoliberals.""

    The term "liberal" has been so abused that it has been used to mean anything from goody-two-shoes to socialist, fascist and even American traitor, but just for the heck of it let's look at a historical of meaning for the above.

    Liberals at one time were and, in some cases still are, thought of as people with humane motivations, who seek to create a more civilized society and who act accordingly. Neo-liberals, on the other hand, make similar claims but have no problem voting for and supporting politicians who wage illegal wars and commit or endorse human rights abuses.

  • Bob Tiernan (unverified)


    "Would you say that an American tourist abroad deserves death at the hands of a terrorist just because of the way their government votes?? "

    Bill Bodden:

    Of course not, but that is just one version of blowback.

    Bob T:

    Nonsense. There was a time when the alleged progressive types rally hated people who killed non-combatents, even when the deaths were incidental. Now they yawn when the non-combatents are deliberately targeted and the attackers are Muslims. That it may be "blowback" in someone's mind is far down the list of what matters. Oh, by the way, not too many years ago (late 90's I think) about 50 German tourists on a bus in Egypt were machine-gunned to death by some of your belived Third Worlders. That was a yawn, I guess.

    Bob Tiernan Portland

  • Lord Beaverbrook (unverified)

    On the demographics, it's interesting that most are based in the Portland metro area, not around Bend or in the conservative parts of the state.

  • Bill Bodden (unverified)

    "Bob T:

    Nonsense. There was a time when the alleged progressive types rally hated people who killed non-combatents, even when the deaths were incidental. Now they yawn when the non-combatents are deliberately targeted and the attackers are Muslims. That it may be "blowback" in someone's mind is far down the list of what matters. Oh, by the way, not too many years ago (late 90's I think) about 50 German tourists on a bus in Egypt were machine-gunned to death by some of your belived Third Worlders. That was a yawn, I guess."

    <h2>Is someone pretending to be Bob Tiernan? The sloppy spelling and thinking above don't seem to match previous comments.</h2>

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