Pat Ryan

Once a registered Libertarian, Pat Ryan decided to join the Democrats after the 2000 election meltdown. Though he "disagrees with party dogma on a broad range of issues, my wife Christine and I are now spending every free moment trying to get Dems elected." His hobbies? "Riding motorcycles, blowing up appliances with a 12 gauge shotgun, critical thinking and fact based reasoning." Pat Ryan lives southeast of Sandy, Oregon in the shadow of Mount Hood. A native Oregonian, he has traveled widely and spent four years in Paraguay and a year and a half in Iran in 1977-78.

January 03, 2005Rebels at Starbucks
December 11, 2004Missing in Action
November 19, 2004Definitions of Insanity
October 30, 2004Who is Osama Backing?
September 14, 2004The Perception of Testosterone
August 20, 2004Working the Bubble
July 20, 2004Combustion: Internal and Spontaneous Human

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