City Council candidate Rudy Soto asks attorney general to investigate Dan Saltzman


Rudy Soto, a candidate for Portland City Council, filed a complaint Friday asking state Attorney General John Kroger to investigate any wrongdoing by Portland City Commissioner Dan Saltzman.

Soto is one of seven active challengers to Saltzman in the May 18 primary election. Saltzman sits on the allocation committee of the Portland Children's Levy, which last year awarded a $600,000 grant to Cares Northwest, a nonprofit group that employs Saltzman's girlfriend.

Saltzman neither disclosed his relationship nor did he recuse himself from the vote, which was unanimous 5-0.

Soto said he believes Saltzman committed an ethical breach, although the city attorney's office and state ethics division state ethics regulations do not cover financially independent girlfriends.

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