Affidavit paints District Attorney Gushwa as bully

East Oregonian:

Umatilla County District Attorney Dean Gushwa had sex with two women he supervised, including at work, and bullied one woman to keep quiet about it, according to documents from the Oregon Department of Justice.

Gushwa denies the allegations.

Last Wednesday, the DOJ charged Gushwa with five counts of official misconduct, accusing him of using his office to obtain sex and of trying to cover it up. Official misconduct is a misdemeanor in Oregon.

The charges stemmed from a DOJ investigation that began in mid-August, after an employee in the Umatilla County District Attorney’s Office reported Gushwa for a sex crime. Gushwa took a leave of absence Aug. 26 and asked the justice department to appoint someone to serve in his stead during the investigation.

The DOJ took control of the office and has held that control since...

In the affidavit, the DOJ says Gushwa admitted to having sexual relations with one woman from Dec. 1, 2008 to July 18, 2010. And Gushwa admitted to having sexual relations with a second woman, the DOJ claimed, during work hours sometime between Jan. 1 and April 1, this year.

One time, the DOJ said, Gushwa “angrily instructed” the first employee not to say anything about their relationship because “it would cause problems for them with the county’s Human Resources Department ...”

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