Live-Blogging the Republican Debate

The Economist:

10:20: Rick Santorum just criticised Iran for trampling the rights of gays. And by "Iran" I presume he meant "myself".

10:15: Didn't this whole conversation about warring with Iran and hating Syria start with a condemnation of the president's intervention in Libya?

10:14: That "boom" you heard in the distance was Bill Kristol's head exploding as Ron Paul said let Iran have nukes.

10:14: You have to admire a candidate who takes Iran's side in a Republican presidential debate.

10:11: Speaking of "cyber intrusions", Mr Huntsman sounds like an 80-year-old talking about "the emails".

10:10: FYI, Gary Johnson tweets that Afghanistan is no longer worth it. Why isn't he here?

10:09: Who's gotcha-ing who?

10:09: Criticising the media is about as easy as criticising sharia law. It's a Palinesque sign of a weak candidacy.

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