Allegations of ignored rapes, unsafe working conditions at Oregon Youth Authority

Salem Weekly:

Whistleblowers often have a hard time being heard. It's easy to classify someone with a long list of complaints as a rabble-rouser, a troublemaker, or just plain disgruntled. Three former employees of the Oregon Youth Authority (OYA) have decided to go public with the information that they have. Tim Hall, Kurt Teegarden, and Ken Ross have very little to gain from speaking out. They each have lost their jobs and will have a hard time finding work in another correctional facility due to the various reasons for their ultimate separation from the OYA. There are hundreds of pages of documentation to back up the various claims that they make. They've also made many attempts at trying to get the word to OYA management, to the governor, and the SEIU leadership. What they're hoping for is the ability to regain credibility that has been lost.

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