New York, Paris, Rome, Hong Kong, and ... Portland?

Kari Chisholm FacebookTwitterWebsite

I was listening this weekend to NPR's Splendid Table show (yeah, call me a food dork) and Jane & Michael Stern, from Gourmet magazine, said that the "great food centers of the world" are New York, Paris, Rome, Hong Kong, and Portland.

Now, I love our Portland restaurants - but, seriously? The show's host, Lynn Rosetto Kasper, suggests it's "something in the water" and Jane Stern suggests that our city's motto oughta be "The Food is Better Than You Think It's Going to Be."

hotdogIncidentally, the point of the five minute bit was the great sausages and hot dogs over at Fido's on SW Taylor & Park. Never had one - this intrepid investigative reporter will pop over there and then report back right here on BlueOregon. Get the audio link here. Don't miss the butchered pronounciation of "Tillamook".

  • (Show?)

    Maybe they just have a sausage thing. I've heard a show where they absolutely raved about Otto's Sausage Kitchen and Meat MarketĀ  (4138 SE Woodstock in Portland).

  • sarah gilbert (unverified)

    Yeah, Michael Stern is famous for his love of hot dogs...but I'm surprised that they missed The Dog House on E Burnside and Good Dog/Bad Dog on SW Taylor. I'm a sausage fan too and those two are way better than Otto's. IMHO.

    I'm eager to hear about your Fido's experience!

  • pdxkona (unverified)

    Dude, The Dog House on E. Burnside has corndogs- veggie corndogs!!

    <h2>All vegetarians weep in delight when able to scourge a city and find such delectables.</h2>

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