Bush-Cheney Re-election Platform

Jack Bogdanski

Low taxes
F*ck-you diplomacy
Fear mongering
Martial law

  • Duncan (unverified)

    This is SO true!

  • Stash (unverified)

    Did you mean to say "deferred taxes"? or "I just charged my tax burden to my children's credit card!" Perhaps... "de-funded local programs resulting in higher state and local taxes or cuts in services"?

    Conservatives my ass.

  • LC (unverified)

    So the Kerry/Edwards platform by contrast will be viewed as:

    Higher taxes F*ck us diplomacy What Me Worry (borrowed from pre-9/11 GWB) More civil rights for Arab-American jihadists

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    Ah, and won't you be busy trolling when the new administration takes office?

  • brett (unverified)

    You have a hell of a lot of nerve accusing someone of trolling after such an asinine post. So much for reasoned discourse, or discourse at all, for that matter.

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    From you, I take that as a compliment.

  • brett (unverified)

    Who's the troll again?

    I guess you (plural) have to decide: either this site is the Oregon branch of Democratic Underground, where no one to the right of Castro is welcome, or it's not. Other posts had made me think that you valued a diverse audience. Maybe I was just kidding myself.

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    Give'm H*ll, Jack.

    LC doesn't realize that humor involves finding a seed of truth. Your Bush-Cheney platform squarely nailed 4 fundamental truths of this BC regime we witness every day. Mimicking back a reverse platform twisted into an attack on Kerry-Edwards without hardly a molecule of truth to it leaves his post open to a bit of Blogger's ridicule.

    LC and brett, if you want to debate Jack's proposed BC04 platform directly --- have at it! It would be good for another laugh, or even a diverse discussion assuming you can counter the clever truthfulness of it.

    (Jack, we former students never forget you! -- we've got your back. GR)

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    Other posts had made me think that you valued a diverse audience. Maybe I was just kidding myself.

    So what you're saying is that the site's diversity can't include flippant authors?

    Ignore the people whose material you don't like, and focus on the others.

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    If you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen? Better yet, if you can't stand the progressive heat, you might not want to bake your bread in the progressive oven.

    I have no idea what that even means.... Anyhow, comment early and often, but buck up baby and stop whining. According to ya'll conservatives that's us liberals job in the political process anyhow.

    We don't claim to be objective here, Brett.

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    Easy Jack, Brett. Peace among the lawyer-folk. The bar IS small.

    Personally, I thought it was kinda clever. Throw in the incendiaries and see what happens.

    As far as LC, it would be more like: Appropriate Taxes We lead by example Diplomacy No chicken little, security balanced with privacy Equal Rights for Everyone

  • brett (unverified)

    Alright then. Enjoy your echo chamber. I'm sure you'll change a lot of minds.

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    Brett, Jack lit a match to see who would explode. You provided him with an answer. As a reader of Jack Bog's blog, you know well that he's something "right of Castro." If you were honest, you'd recognize that the first two bullet points are explicit planks of the BC platform (though the second one is a little more '02 than '04). Tax cuts? Not debatable. How about the "old Europe" rhetoric. You say "old Europe," I say "f*ck yourself"--let's call the whole thing ... ah, how about amusing?

  • raging red (unverified)

    First Jack lit a match, and now he's lit a stick of dynamite in his newest post (re: Cheney). I can't wait to read brett's reaction to that one!

  • LC (unverified)

    Wow. I guess dry humor doesn't translate well and Brett has a good point about the liberal echo chamber. That post was more cynical observation of Republican than a desire to frame Kerry with those views.

    I posted above to demonstrate how the Bushies will defend that platform if Kerry attacks it. Like it or not, they have been pretty good at defining Kerry as a flip-flopping, indecisive, waffling, you-know-what.

    This strategy combined with Bush's black or white/right or wrong approach to major issues undermines Kerry as he tries to publicly wrestle with the shades of gray.

    But if I had been interested in calling Kerry into question, I guess that it wouldn't have been welcome here. Brett has a good point about the liberal echo chamber.

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    You can criticize Kerry on this thread. Let me show you how:

    The Kerry/Edwards Election Platform -Vietnam -Vietnam -Health care, more troops, stronger port security, all funded by recinding the tax cuts for the rich. -Vietnam

    (See: kernal of truth + hyperbole = comedy)

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    You said: "Other posts had made me think that you valued a diverse audience. Maybe I was just kidding myself."

    And, yes, while we do value a diverse audience, it's important to note the first statement of what BlueOregon is: BlueOregon will be the water cooler around which Oregon progressives will gather.

    Get it? This is by progressives, for progressives. You're welcome to hang out, argue with folks (I've actually enjoyed your comments), and even troll a bit. Just don't be surprised that we're not aiming for 360-degree ideological balance.

  • Tenskwatawa (unverified)

    Bush is toast in Oregon, so-o-o toast, this is no 'swing state.' Dufus, go home. Go mess with Texas. Don't even CARE what the platform planks are, only that there's a trap-door hole you can fall through.

    Don't come here Friday, with your Dumbo the Flying Elephant shtick -- you cost us big bucks and your presence makes life miserable. Take the black cloud of terror you walk around under and go plague Florida.

    Hey, how much you gonna repay the city police if they lose the lawsuit on them for going Abu Ghraib at your orders against people, when you buzzed in to campaign for Gordon Smith? I think a few million dollars damages are at stake in the lawsuit. Maybe you could get some Catholic supporters to speak for you to explain your trail of civic destruction and civilian deaths you spread is not something inherent in your hatred of all life you don't control.

    Watching Dubya & Dick's polls falling in state after state one just hopes it sucks down the GOP Congress with them. Hey, Dubya, we got vote-by-mail in Oregon. No video-vote sabotage here. Daffy & Fudd are sooooo toast.

    (Thanks. I just had to vent, uh, I mean, petition the government for a redress of grievances. And reserving the right to revise and extend my remarks, Mr. POTUS, go away, we mean it.)


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