Political Ads

Mari Margil

C-SPAN is archiving the presidential race political ads. Check it out at http://www.c-span.org/vote2004/campads.asp.

So is MSNBC, apparently with transcripts, at http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4647288/ if you seem to be missing some.

I've missed a ton...got to watch more t.v...

  • Betsy (unverified)

    And if you want to compare them to ads of years past, check out the The Living Room Candidate: Presidential Campaign Commercials - 1952-2004.

  • Tenskwatawa (unverified)

    Those like me who get a clearer sense of a person's character by what they write than by their visage in a 30-second video loop, don't need tv ads to form our votes. Might watch them speak at length or debate, and if it was shown live, go out of the way to see it. Is this uninformed?

    If writing in questions and getting back politician-written replies worked for more people, a majority, then TV political ads could end. It'd be cheaper to campaign, too. Before tV, more people voted. I wonder if their votes were less carefully considered.

    If Tv's paid political advertising did go the way Tv's paid tobacco advertising went -- banned as unhealthy and addicting, then an archive of oldies becomes like a museum where people could pay admission and vote for their favorite ad.

  • (Show?)

    Betsy, did you check out those ads at livingroom candidate? I spent an afternoon watching them recently. Some of them are absolutely amazing. I particularly enjoyed the Goldwater ads, which seemed like a freakish harbinger of end-of-the-century politics.

    There's also a famous 4-minute commercial of a republican talking about why he won't vote for Goldwater. The Kerry Kamp should rerun it, but change the name to Bush...

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