Building a Better World

Jason Evans

This headline caught my eye from the morning news: Foreign web surfers cannot access President Bush's website.

I won't assume that a specific request was made along these lines by the Administration, as it seems too impossible to believe.

  • miles (unverified)

    Yes, saw that.

    Don't see the big deal here.... very few foreign voters to persuade, so why not exclude them.... make sure ferners don't do an DOS or otherwise block access of ACTUAL VOTERS to site by visiting it.

    The web site is an ad.... gotta make sure it is available to people who might vote for Bush.

    Yes, the message of insularity is fitting, but in the scheme of things this is no big deal.

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    As an American abroad, I certainly want to be able to access the Bush website and I don't appreciate receiving the message that I am "not authorized to view this page." Moreover, as the Brits around me frequently remind me, the election will affect people far outside U.S. borders. The rest of the world ought to be able to view the official statements of the Bush campaign. And they are right to take this action by the Bush campaign as an insult.

  • Tenskwatawa (unverified)

    I won't assume, ... as it seems too impossible to believe.

    It is endlessly intriguing the contortions people assign their minds. To think of something to get around the simplest obvious facts and conclusions. Readily believing anything except believing their own eyes.

    Observe the Republican Party. This is what police-state nationalism looks like. Damned right.

  • Kevin W Bishop (unverified)

    They blocked all non-US domains in response to a hacker attack that brought their site down for six hours. Rather than bolstering security, they choose to exclude people, much like they do at their rallies:

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    Actually, I think the Bushies have made a decision that they're going to LOSE in huge numbers among voters living abroad. There are seven million potential voters living abroad, and until now, both parties had been aggressively courting them.

    After all, they've already blocked overseas access to a program that's supposed to help OVERSEAS VOTERS vote. Seriously.

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