Love Affair of Church and State

Brendan Deiz


Here's a new one.  I'll probably post one or two more next week.  My posts my be a bit sporadic, but I'll try to do one or two a week.  Enjoy.

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    Inaccurate picture. You should have "state" on the ground being held down and forced against her will to do it with "church." Maybe "corporations" should be waiting in the wings to have his turn.

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    As Thomas Frank explains in "What's the Matter with Kansas? How Conservatives Won the Heart of America" corporations are one of the big winners of the love affair.

    And never forget that just down the road from the State Capitol in Salem you will find the intersection of Church and State.

  • brendan deiz (unverified)

    i'm not sure if i'm supposed to comment on my own stuff, but jack, i think the state is perfectly happy in its current union with the church, espeically since the house, senate, supreme court, and executive branch are all run by conservatives.

  • allehseya (unverified)

    (echoing Jack)

  • raging red (unverified)

    State, you ignorant slut.

    (Sorry, I couldn't resist.)

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