Wyden votes YES on CAFTA

CAFTA passed the U.S. Senate yesterday 54-44. Ten Democrats (plus Jim Jeffords, I-VT) joined most Republicans in voting Yes. (Eleven GOPers joined most of the Dems in voting No.)

Interestingly, four of the five Democratic Senators on the west coast (excluding only Barbara Boxer, D-CA) voted in favor. Senators Maria Cantwell and Patty Murray of Washington, Senator Dianne Feinsten of California, and Senator Ron Wyden of Oregon all voted yes. (As did GOP Senator Gordon Smith.)

On Wyden's vote, the Associated Press:

Supporters also stressed that CAFTA would be a bulwark to protect the hemisphere from further inroads by China. Senator Ron Wyden, D-Ore., said “the Chinese would love an opportunity to get an economic toehold in our backyard,” an opportunity supporters said would open up if CAFTA were rejected.

From the Oregonian, two weeks ago:

"Smart U.S. trade policy means make it and grow it here and sell it there, and because the agreement gives Oregon workers the opportunity to do more of that, I decided to support it," Wyden said.


  • (Show?)

    "the Chinese would love an opportunity to get an economic toehold in our backyard."

    Earth to Ron, we as a nation are borrowing a jillion dollars a week from China. They already control interest rates in this country. It seems that horse left the barn on 9/12/01.

  • Aaron (unverified)

    It seems that horse left the barn on 9/12/01

    No it was back in the 80's when the American horse started to be breded out and international ones took over the barn.

  • Gregor (unverified)

    It's fun to argue the date it began, so I'm going to put the blame on Nixon. That's when it began. But I believe it was a couple of months ago that we were saturated with textiles. There was a spike greater then 100% in product imported from China in a single month. China is not coming...China is here. My 4th of July refrigerator magnet has "CHINA" in black letters on the last white stripe. I'm just waiting to see it on all of our flags, which will be available at all Unocal vendors at a service station near you.

  • (Show?)

    The point is that CAFTA is not the issue. The issue is China and India and Japan. The amount of trade and the trade impact of CAFTA on the U.S. is roundings in our trade with these 3 other countries.

  • Aaron (unverified)

    Gregor, if the date is important then it was under Ike when Japan, inc was just getting started to come over here and learn from Ford and the other Fortune 500 companies the "manufacturing-in-mass" processes.

  • anonymous pessimist (unverified)

    The point is that CAFTA is not the issue. The issue is China and India and Japan. The amount of trade and the trade impact of CAFTA on the U.S. is roundings in our trade with these 3 other countries.

    Of course, your comment nicely refutes Wyden's contention that he supported CAFTA to keep China from "getting a foothold here" ... as if Wal-Mart hadn't already built a 10-lane freeway into the American marketplace for the Chinese.

    "Smart U.S. trade policy means make it and grow it here and sell it there, and because the agreement gives Oregon workers the opportunity to do more of that, I decided to support it," Wyden said.

    So, ummm... Wyden signed this bill because its going to open up more markets in major consumer nations like Guatamala and El Salvador while helping to decrease the erosion of family wage jobs with benefits to 3rd world countries like..., um, Guatamala and El Salvador.

    Uh-huh. Here, pull my finger.

    Cynicism aside, it's nice to know that Oregon's Democratic Senator is including Central America in the race for the bottom for working people in this hemisphere.

  • Tom Civiletti (unverified)

    Tsk, tsk, Ron. We cannot counter race-to-the-bottom globalism with more of the same. This is quite disappointing.

  • Tom Civiletti (unverified)

    Since the House Dems' education budget is scheduled for discussion on 8/31, I can't imagine the Dem controlled Senate will allow sine die before, say, 9/9/05 at 8 pm to allow time for full discussion of the most important item in the state budget.

  • Tom Civiletti (unverified)

    Hmm. This is not where I posted that last message.

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